19: Tyler

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Tyler and Josh parted their ways midway to Tyler's chemistry class. Tyler watched as Josh walked away, starting to feel empty again. He didn't want to feel like this all the time. It was slowly eating him from the inside, and he was wondering how no one hadn't yet realized. He could see it so clearly. The way all his sleepless nights showed under his eyes, the way not being hungry showed at his stomach, the way of feeling empty showed inside his eyes and the way of not caring anymore showed in his behavior. He was spinning these thoughts around his head as he walked to his chemistry class and found an empty seat from the back of the room. He collapsed onto the chair, making the few students already in the room look back, thinking someone had been hurt. Tyler just shrugged angrily before leaning back in the chair and closing his eyes.

"Tyler Joseph, this is the last time!", the teacher yelled from the front of the room, and Tyler jumped up.


"Thank you for waking up, this is the last warning. Don't fall asleep in my class", the teacher lectured to which Tyler replied by slightly nodding and looking down at his book. It did not interest him whatsoever, but he didn't want detention. He perked his head back up when the teacher started talking again. "The formula for water, Tyler? This is very simple, don't mess it up please."

"H2O?", Tyler questioned, and the teacher shook his head. "What?"

"No", the teacher said and every single student turned to look at him confusedly. "It isn't."

"Um, it is", Tyler mumbled, turning his book onto the right page. "See?"

"Don't start being a smart-ass, Joseph."


"I said don't be a smart-ass, I think I know chemistry better than you."

Tyler scoffed and shook his head in disbelief.

"Final warning."

"Why the fuck do I stay in this fucking hellhole where no one cares for me and hates me, disapproving of everything I say, even if it's the right fucking answer to the fucking stupid question?!", Tyler screamed, getting up from his chair and taking his backpack. He stuffed everything on his desk in there and stomped to the door.

"Tyler Joseph, you can not leave class", the teacher sternly said, and Tyler turned to look at him. "You'll get detention for foul language and leaving class without permission. Come and get your slip."

Tyler couldn't believe it. He was so done. He turned to grab the door and before he left, he flipped the teacher off. Then he slammed the door shut and just started screaming nonsense as he stomped down the hall, finding his way out of the school. He had to get somewhere. He decided to go home first and get some things from there first.

Tyler arrived home and packed a large backpack with his clothes and toothbrush. He skimmed through the small closet in the living room, looking for his passport. When he finally found it, he ran back into his room and stuffed it in the backpack too. He then went to his own wardrobe and slid the bottom panel off, revealing his stash of things. He grabbed the money he had saved there, maybe it'd be enough for something, if not then he'd walk. He took the backpack and slid it in his back before leaving the house. He sighed as he thought of what to do next. He should probably go to the train station, that'd be the smartest idea. So, he started walking to the far end of the city, wondering if someone would miss him. Probably not. He wouldn't at least. Or..


What was he supposed to do about him? He couldn't just leave him, could he? Well, Josh had left him without no explanation too, so he had no right to complain. And besides, Tyler didn't care what anyone thought anymore. Or maybe he did, but he wouldn't admit it to himself. Not now. He was almost there. He watched as the city started to change, the buildings becoming more and more disheveled, far different from how his neighborhood looked like. He knew the train station was located in the next building and took a deep breath. Was he really about to do this? Yes, he was, he couldn't just back out now. If he was to stay, he'd slowly loose his mind. Or maybe he had already lost it, and him being here was caused by that. He couldn't say. He reached the right building anyways and stepped inside. He checked where the next leaving train was going. Alaska? Convenient, he had wanted to disappear, and this offered him a chance. He walked up to the counter and smiled at the slightly grumpy lady on the other side.

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