Chapter 3 "Friends and Awkwardness"

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Chapter 3

Niall put his arm around my waist and led me around the house, introducing me to people. They were all adults until we went into the lounge room and there were about five guys that looked Niall's age and one girl. They see us and the boys start hollering and the girl just laughs, and so do I. We walk over to them and they all hug me and introduce themselves. I guess no one shakes hands here. They were all friends when they were in school. The girl was named Sam, she was Niall's best friend's (Ben) girlfriend. She seemed really cool. We sat on the couch and started talking while the boys were goofing around. I saw two girls walk in, they saw me and then walked into the corner and started talking and looking at me funny.

"Hey, who are they?" I ask, nodding my head in their direction.

"Oh, the blonde one is Rachel, Niall's ex, and the other one is Emily, her BFF." she says.

"Oh, well this is awkward." I say.

We both laugh and she says, "Well this is her house."

"What?!? I didn't know, Niall's mom told me that they invited me." I say, worried.

"Well yeah, you ARE Niall's girlfriend after all and she probably wanted to see what you looked like." says Sam. We get up and go over to the guys. Niall puts his arms around me and kisses me. All the guys start oohing and I turn red. We all laugh and go out into the main room. The guys go for the food and Niall's mom calls me over. I go over to her and she introduces me to Rachel's mom, the lady who hugged me.

"Wow, you really are pretty." she says.

"Thank you." I say and smile.

"You know? My daughter and Niall used to be together." she says. That just made the situation like ten times more awkward.

"Oh, her name is Rachel. Right?" I say.

"Yes, have you met her yet?" she asks.

"No, but I saw her and Emily in the lounge and Sam pointed them out to me." I say. She smiles and walks away. Mrs. Horan puts her hand on my back.

"It's ok sweetie, she's just a little upset Niall broke up with Rachel." she said. I took a deep breath and said thanks. I sit down next to Niall in the lounge and he puts his arm around my waist.

"So how long has it been since you guys last saw each other?" asked one of the guys, noticing Niall always had his arm around me. Niall had food in his mouth so I answered.

"Umm, a little over four months." I say. "

Wow, and you guys were together for only two months before you guys were apart?" asks Sam.

"Yeah, but those two months were amazing." says Niall and kisses my cheek. I feel someone sit on the couch next to Niall and I look over. It was Rachel and she was giving Niall a hug.

"Hi, you must be Niall's new girlfriend." she says. She didn't sound very happy.

"Yeah, I'm y/n. Its Rachel right?" I ask.

"Yes." she says. Again, not sounding so happy.

"So how'd you guys meet?" asked Ben. Niall starts telling the story about their first concert on there tour and me winning the contest and the beach. I look over at Rachel when Niall's talking and she was giving me a rude look. I just wrap my arm around Niall and listen to him. After Niall was done, Rachel's mom called her so she went out of the room. Niall got up and took my hand. He introduced me to a couple more people and then we left.

Author's Note!

HELLO! So.....looks like Rachel isnt very happy. Oh well! lol So i really hope you guys like it so far, so seriouly...COMMENT what you think! Thanks lovelies xx

My L.O.V.E. Nialler (Sequal to "Love isnt just a four letter word")Where stories live. Discover now