Chapter 27 "Just chillin"

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Chapter 27

We walk closer to them and some of the girls notice us. The screams start and we start running through the crowd towards the entrance. Niall is holding my hand very tightly so he wouldn't loose me, Harry is doing the same with Teigan. We get into Harry Potter  world and we check to see if everyone is ok. The boys got tugged around a bit but besides that we were fine. We start exploring around and it is amazing. We go on the rides and walk through Diagon Alley. It is so cute and very realistic. Niall and i are hand in hand or wrapt in eachothers arms the entire time. We are there for the rest of the day and at about ten we head home. Harry kisses Teigan goodbye as she gets into her car and we go inside my house. We take turns taking showers and get ready for bed. Niall and I aren't very tired so we put in the Hunger Games and snuggle up to each other. Niall would issues me periodically throughout the movie and squeezes me tighter at the more violent scenes. I don't know why though, I love this movie, stuff like that I can take, it's just the horror/scary movies that freak the crap out of me. The movie ends and we adjust so we are laying down on my bed. My head is on his chest, with my arm across his stomach. Niall has both his arms wrapt around me, playing with my hair softly. He is so gentle it makes me melt. I relax on his chest and listen to his heart, on perfect beat. I fall asleep smiling to the sound of Niall's perfect heart beat.

My eyes open to the bright light shining out of my window. I'm still wrapt in Niall's strong arms. I look up at him and he's still asleep, but he's smiling. I wonder what he's dreaming about, what he thinks about. I always wonder what is going through his mind when he looks at me, when he kisses me. I just stare at him, in perfect peace, dreaming away. It seems like my dreams are now just replaying what has happened in the past, now that my dream has become reality. Us kissing for the first time, our walk on the beach, my birthday, Niall proposing, all going through my head when I'm asleep.

"Good morning babe." Niall sings as I look back up to him.

"Good morning." I say, giving him a sweet smile. I reach up and kiss him.

"So have a nice dream?" I ask suspiciously.

"Actually, yes. Why?" he asks smiling.

"You were smiling in your sleep." I giggle.

"Oh. I was just dreaming about the first concert we had when we brought you out on stage and I confirmed we were together." he says, smiling the way he did in his sleep. I kiss his cheek and we both sit up. I throw on a coral sundress and Niall puts on some jean shorts and a jack wills t-shirt. We go out and no one is up yet so we go out back. Niall takes my hand leads to my bench swing. We sit down and I cuddle up to him as he swings us with his feet.

"I love you." I say randomly.

"I love you too." Niall returns and kisses my head. We were out there for about fifteen minutes then the guys come out, all dressed and ready to go.

"So, what are we doing today?" asks Liam, sitting down on the other side of me.

"I don't know. What do you guys feel like doing?" I ask them. We only had a couple days left, they are leaving Thursday.

"Well, we could go to the beach. I could use a little tan." says Harry. I giggle a little and we all agree on the beach. Niall, Liam and I get up from the swing and we all change into our suits for the beach. I slide on my green romper and we pile into my car.  We head over to Clearwater Beach and park in the overflowing parking lot. We get out and go down to the beach. The sand was really warm and felt good on my feet. Niall takes my hand into his and we walk down to the shoreline. The warm water rushes up and covers our feet.

"It's really beautiful here." he says, looking out into the gulf.

"Yeah, I love it here, but only a year and a half until I move to England." I say and Niall immediately smiles. We hear the guys shouting as they run into the water, falling in like dominos. We just laugh at them and go back up to our spot on the sand. Niall and I sit down and he hugs me to his chest. We were just relaxing in the sun then a couple girls notice Niall.

"OMC! Can I have your autograph?" they ask. Niall stands up and he signs papers and takes a couple pictures.

"So what are you guys doing today?" the other girl asks us.

"Well me and the lads are leaving on thursday and I wanted to spend some time with y/n before we do. So we're just chillin." he says. They both smile and walk away, knowing that meant leave us alone. Niall sits back down and puts his arm around me. We just relax for a bit, enjoying the sun.

My L.O.V.E. Nialler (Sequal to "Love isnt just a four letter word")Where stories live. Discover now