Chapter 6 "Ben's House"

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Chapter 6

We get to Bens house and we all start walking up the path to his door.

"Wait, you're coming with me." Niall whispers into my ear. He takes my hand and leads me to the side of the house to a gate that opens to the backyard. He opens the gate, still holding my hand, and leads me into the backyard. He shuts the gate and kisses me. It gets passionate and he slides his hands underneath my shirt onto my hips. He's never done that before and it kinda shocked me. Niall felt me jump and let go.

"I'm sorry.." he says.

"No, I like it." I say and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. He takes a couple steps towards me and leans me onto the house. He deepens the kiss and I pull him closer to me. It was freezing outside but we both didn't notice. He lets go and smiles at me.

"You're so beautiful." he says. I just smile at him and kiss his cheek.

"You know, we can just go back to the house and continue this and not go inside." he says, trying to sound convincing.

" tempting as that sounds...." I say and kiss him.

"I would rather us go inside and enjoy the party, wether Rachel is in there or not." I say. He kisses me and says ok. We go to the back door and walk into the house. We were in the kitchen and Ben and Sam were in there too, just talking.

"Hey love birds" says Sam playfully. We hug and Ben and Niall start talking.

"What were you guys doing back there?" he asked Niall with a cheeky smile.

"Expressing our love." he says smiling at me. Sam nudged my side and we both giggled. We walked out into the main room and I said hi to Bens mom, since I met her last night.

"Thank you again for inviting me." I say.

"You're welcome sweetie. Just between us, I like you better than Rachel. After Niall went off to the Xfactor, she's been just so mean." she says.

"Thanks, well I still can't imagine what she's going through." I say. She hugs me again and goes to greet her guests. I walk over to Niall, he was sitting on the couch, talking with the guys and Sam. I sit on his lap and he wraps his arms around me. We all continue talking and then I hear someone walk up and tap me on the shoulder. I look up and it was Emily.

"I need you to come with me." she says. Niall saw Emily too and he grips me tighter do I couldn't get up.

"Niall, let go." I say. He looks at me in concern.

"Fine, but I'm coming too." he says and let's go of me. We get up and Emily leads us into the dining room. We see Rachel standing in the corner and she looks like she ready to hit me. Niall sees it too and takes my hand and is the one to talk first.

"Why would you say something like that? I can't believe you! You know? I thought you were better than that." he says, starting to get mad like he did earlier.

"Well its true! She's like 4 years younger than you!" she says. 'Well I guess she didn't regret tweeting it' I think to myself.

I just look at her in disbelief and say, "Why can't you just get over the fact that Niall doesn't want to be with you anymore? He used to tell me how even though things were rough between you guys, he didn't want to loose u as a friend." Rachel just looks at us in guilt. She starts to tear up. She goes to Niall and puts her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." she says and looks at me in embarrassment and walks out of the room. Emily follows her and Niall turns me toward him.

"I love you." he says and kisses me.

"I love you too." I say and kiss him back.

"Are you sure you don't want to continue?" he asks, trying to sound sexy, which wasn't hard for him. I smile at him and he takes my hand and leads me out of the house. We get into his car and we drive to the house with his arm around me the whole time. We get to the house and Niall gets out of the car and opens my door for me. He picks me up bridal style and shuts my door with his foot. We get into the house and he carries me into our room. He lays me in the bed and lays on top of me. Niall kisses me passionately. He slides his hands back on my hips and I grip his shirt and pull it towards me. He already took his sweater off.

"Hey, do you want to change first?" he asks, noticing we both have tight jeans on. I nod and he gets off of me. I go into the bathroom and change into a spaghetti strap tank top and really short pj shorts. I walk out and Niall is only in his boxers. I walk over to him and he puts his hands on my waist. I put my hands on his abs and kiss him. He deepens the kiss and turns us so my back is facing the bed. He lays us down onto the bed, not breaking the kiss. He starts kissing my neck and leaving love bites. He comes back up and kisses my lips. He slides his hands from my waist to my neck and kisses me harder. His touch is so gentle and I melt. I kiss his neck and leave a couple love bites. Niall rolls over on his back and I lay on his chest. I could hear his steady heart beat and I melted from the sound. He wraps his arms around me and lifts my chin to kiss me.

He looks up at the ceiling and whispers, "Y/n Horan." I sit up and look at him.

"What?" I ask, I don't think I heard him right.

"Y/n Horan, I like the sound of it." he says smiling. I smile back and kiss him.

"Me too." I say and lay back down on his chest. Niall's phone starts to ring and he gets up to answer it. It was Ben.

"Oh, well we felt we needed some quality time together so we went back to my house." Niall says, winking at me. I smile and lay on my back and bite my lip. Niall looked at me in awe.

"Hey, I gotta go." he says and hangs up. He comes onto the bed and lays on top of me. I kiss him passionately and wrap my arms around his neck. I brush my fingers through his hair and he starts to kiss down my neck and to my collar bone. He puts his head on my chest and his hand on my stomach.

"You know? I've thought about us having a baby..." he says.

"What?" I say, kind of nervous. Hello! I'm only 16 here!

"Oh! Not now, I mean like in the future." he says. I giggle and kiss his head.

"I have too, but in the future." I say.

"I think our kid would be so freakin cute!" he says. We both laugh and he buries his head into my chest. I think Niall would be a great Dad, but we are definitely not ready. I still have a year and a half of school, plus college and he still has his career, which involves a lot of travel. I look down and Niall fell asleep. I play with his hair softly. He looks so cute when he's asleep. I feel my eyes close slowly and I fall asleep.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in awhile. i didnt have internet for a couple days a i thought i was going to die. lol Well anyway, thanks for reading and pleeeease comment and tell me what you think!

My L.O.V.E. Nialler (Sequal to "Love isnt just a four letter word")Where stories live. Discover now