Chapter 16 "The Snow"

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Chapter 16

"Oh fun!" says Louis. I wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic or not. I just giggle and Niall comes over to me. He wraps his arms around my waist.

"Come on." he whispers in my ear and takes my hand. We hear a symphony of "Oooooohhh"s as he leads me into our room. We change into something a little more comfortable. Me, tank top and shorts, Niall, his boxers. I lay on the bed as he walks out of the bathroom. He lays on top of me and kisses me. He kisses down my neck and leaves love bites. I swear my entire neck will be covered in them by the time I leave. He brushes his fingers through my hair as he kisses back up to my lips.

"I'm so happy I'll be able to see you a lot more.....well, in a year and a half." he says with a big smile on his face.

"Me too, but remember, I need to focus on my studies. It has been my dream to get into Oxford." I say.

"And it was my dream to find my princess, and I did. Looks like both our dreams came true." he says and kisses me. He's so freakin cute, I couldn't help but giggle at that one. I deepen the kiss and Niall slides his hands onto his favourite spot. I smile into the kiss and so does Niall. We were like that for awhile and before I knew it, I looked at the clock and realised we were kissing for about and hour and a half. No wonder I was getting tired. I let go from the kiss.

"Niall, look at the clock." I say. He does and just laughs.

"No wonder I'm getting tired." he says yawning.

"That's what I was just thinking!" I say and he rolls off of me.

"I love you." he says in one breath, looking at me with those hypnotizing blue eyes.

"I love you too." I say as he puts his head on my chest. I start playing with his hair.

"I can hear you heartbeat. It's steady, and gentle." he says. I can feel him smiling. I brush my fingers on his cheek and he wraps one arm across my stomach. I kiss his head and stare at the ceiling, still playing with his hair. Now just the tips of his hair were blonde. It actually looked really cute. I liked his hair either color. I feel my eyes grow heavy and slowly close as I fall asleep.

"Holy..." I hear and wake up. I open my eyes and see Niall looking out his window.

"What is it?" I ask and pulls me to sit up. There is so much snow, it is insane!

"I don't know if it's gonna be just a couple days, Niall." I say. He looks at me and grabs his phone.

"I'm gonna call my parents and see if they're ok." he says. I get up and walk out to give him a minute. I go to the living room and all the guys were up, shocker. I sit down next to Liam and they are all looking at me weird.

"Hey, why are you guys looking at me like that?" I ask, I can't help but giggle.

"I bet you and Niall had fun last night." says Zayn in low voice, smiling at me, they all were.

"Yeah, when I walked past your door, it sounded like you guys were making out." says Harry. I just blush and look down at the carpet.

"That's because we were." I hear from behind me. I turn and see Niall standing behind the couch. I give him an "Are they ok?" look.

"Yeah, they're ok. They watched the news and it says the sun should come out and the snowed should be melted and cleared my tomorrow afternoon." he says.

"Oh, thank God. My flight can't be delayed from the snow. I only have like two days to get my jet leg under control until I start back to school." I say. Niall looked at me with his sad face, the one I couldn't stand to see. I don't think he realized that I'll be leaving in three days (not including today).

"Oh yeah......I kinda forgot you have to leave, since we're engaged and all." he says, half smiling. I stand up and walk around the couch to him.

I kiss him sweetly and say, "I know, I wish I didn't have to go too, but I do." I hold my necklaces in my hand around my neck.

"But these are what keeps you with me." I say and we both smile. He looks down at my One Direction bracelets.

"Oh yeah, these too, but these are all the guys." I say. He kisses me and we sit down and cuddle on the couch. He wraps his arms around me and I put my head on his chest. Louis puts on the new bat man movie and we watch it. A quarter way through I was getting hungry so I get up and go to the kitchen. I grab a bag of chips and sit back down and cuddle back up to Niall. We just watched the movie, eating chips. Niall was eating more than I was. The movie ended and we all just sit there, staring at the credits. We were so bored...but I knew Harry or Louis would do something...

My L.O.V.E. Nialler (Sequal to "Love isnt just a four letter word")Where stories live. Discover now