Chspter 46 "Liam"

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Chapter 46

My mind goes blank. Please tell me he didn't just say that! Please tell me this is just a dream.

"W-What?" I ask, stuttering a bit.

"Y/n, I love you." He repeats, with his same serious tone. I just look at him for a moment, just to see what is going on in that brain of his. Maybe he means as a sister?

"As in....?" I ask, hopefully trying to get him to rethink this before he goes any further on this.

"As in more than a friend, a girlfriend, I love you. Ever since that day of the concert. When I walked down the hallway and I saw you, I was amazed how beautiful you are. But when you said you liked Niall, I was a little disappointed." He explains, still not thinking of the damage he has just caused. They leave fore tour in two weeks, and of course Niall is gonna find out somehow, and then he will be pissed at Liam for the next six months and it might ruin their friendship, and most importantly, the band.

"Y/n?" Liam brings me back from my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry. But Liam, you have to think about this.... Niall and I are engaged, you are leaving for tour in two weeks, and what do you think will happen if Niall found out that you told me this?" I ask him. His face went from hope to regret in a heart beat.

"Oh my god, I didn't even realize that there was so much harm this could do. I'm so does that mean you don't love me back? We've had so many moments together, even earlier today at the studio on the couch." Liam says, longing for hope in his eyes. My grip on his forearm tightens as I open my mouth, as the reality of loosing my best friend flashes before my eyes.

"Liam, I love you, I really do....just, just not like the way you do to me." I say, I can feel tears about to form in my eyes and see that they are already forming in Liam's.

"I did feel something for you when we first met, but Niall is the one for me, I'm sorry. It's just, I r-really don't w-want to loose you o-over this...." I stutter as sobs escape my mouth. I can't hold it back anymore and I just cry. Liam wraps his arms around my back and pulls me into his chest.

"Y/n, you will never loose me. I promise, no matter what happens. I just felt like you needed to know how I felt about you..." Liam coos as he rubs my back in circles. I sit back up and look at his horribly, tear-stained shirt.

"Oh, sorry about that." I say, a giggle escapes my mouth.

"It's fine..." Liam brushes it off and looks straight into my eyes, as if he's looking into my soul.

"What?" I ask, now feeling a bit insecure.

"You're just so beautiful, I should've went after you when I had the chance." He smirks. Wow, that's flattering, and he said it so bluntly too, it's not like in engaged or anything....(sarcasm).

"And when would've that been?" I ask. I mean, Niall and I were together the day after we met, but we talked for hours that day at the beach so we a lot about each other.

"When I first saw you backstage after the concert. Do you not remember my 'Our beautiful contest winner is over here'?" Liam says. Oh, I thought he was just being nice.

"You really meant it? I thought you were just being nice..." I said, really hoping this doesn't get awkward.

"No, I really meant it. But anyways, lets not let this be awkward now that its in the air. I can't loose you to this either." He says.

"You just took the words right out if my mouth." I giggle and hug him.

"Speaking of your mouth..I......I really don't know how to ask you this..." He says, the tone in his voice reminding me of a shy ten year old boy asking a girl on a date.

"You want to kiss me don't you..." I assume, not really nervous about the situation. I mean, Liam is my best friend, how bad can it be anyway.

"Yeah, just to see what it's like. Well, more like to see what I'm missing." He says, smirking at the last part. I smile at him, letting him know its ok. He lifts his hand, hovering it by the side of my neck. I gently nod and he slides his hand under my hair and gently holds the side of my neck. His hand feels warm, but a bit strong. He leans in a bit, but very slowly, as if he's savoring the moment. He leans in closer and closer, then stops as our lips are an inch apart.

"Are you sure you're ok with this?" He asks, a bit worried. His hot breath against my face sent a chill.

"Yes, it's just a kiss, it's fine." I say back. He then immediately crashes his lips into mine, tightening his grip on my neck. It feels, good, there is a very little spark, but just barely. His lips move with mine and he deepens it. He lets go and smiles at me like a little kid. He's a good kisser, but not Niall. I press my lips together nervously. I kinda just kissed my best friend.

"So.... I've been missing a lot of great kisses." Liam says/laughs.

"So you felt something?" I ask, hopefully just the amount I did.

"Yeah, but only a bit. I guess we weren't meant to be." He says. I nob a look at him like he's oblivious to the situation.

"Oh crap!" He says, realizing he just made a huge mistake about breaking up with Danielle...

"Yep." Is all I can say since he's running out of his front door to my apartment. I just giggle and stand up, about to follow him but I run into a strong body.... I take a step back and see Niall's beautiful face.

"Hey babe." I say smiling at him. Man, I love him so much.

"So....did you feel anything?" He asks. My expression goes from happiness to confusion.

"The kiss. Did you feel anything when you kissed Liam?...." He says. A bit of jealousy portrays out of his husky tired voice.

"Yes, I felt like I shouldn't be kissing my best friend." I say pecking him on the cheek after I finish my sentence.

"That's my girl." He says as he kisses me, with fireworks shooting like its the Fourth of July. Yep, Niall is definitely the one for me.

"I'm glad you did it though, so now he can get over you now. I knew from the start he liked you...." He says, looking like he regretted the last thing he said.

"Oooh, that's why you were always jealous when we were together...." I say, laughing. He always looked extra attractive whenever he would get jealous.

"Yes, I just love you so much." Niall says snaking his arms around my waist.

"I love you too Niall, with all my heart." And I really mean it.

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Hey beautifuls! So sorry for just leaving you with a cliffhanger like that! I wouldn't be surprised if you all hate me right now. So plot twist, Liam had it in for her the entire time. So anyways, thanks for you.

My L.O.V.E. Nialler (Sequal to "Love isnt just a four letter word")Where stories live. Discover now