Capter 15 "The News"

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Chapter 15

I look up at Niall and he's asleep. I get up slowly and walk out of the room without waking him. I go into the living room and see Liam watching TV.

I sit down on the couch next to him, "Hey, can't sleep?" I ask.

"Not really. There are just so many things going through my mind lately." he says.

"I'm sorry." I say and put my head on his shoulder. I definitely knew what that was like. I didn't know when to tell the guys my news. He wraps his arms around me and we just sit like that and watch TV.

I wake up with Liam's arm still around me. I stand up real quick and Liam falls over on the couch because he was leaning on me.

"Morning." he says smiling a little.

"Morning." I say. I turn around and see Niall just looking at us.

"Hey babe." I say in a nervous voice.

"What were you guys doing?" he asks me.

"Niall, we were just watching TV last night and we fell asleep...." says Liam. Niall looks at me and I give him a "you know I wouldn't do anything like that" face. He walks over to me and kisses me.

"Ok, sorry for being all suspicious." he says.

I kiss him back and say, "It's ok." Niall walks to the kitchen and gets some breakfast.

"Where are your parents?" I ask Niall.

"Well when I was watching TV, they left around 9:30 ." says Liam. We didn't hear them come in.

"They probably went to an after Christmas party. I swear, they have too many parties here." says Niall. We all laugh and the rest of the boys walk out. They all head straight to the kitchen for food. Ok, I'm gonna tell them. I mean, I don't know why I'm making it such a big deal.

"Hey guys, I have something to tell you." I say. They all look at me and I gesture them to sit on the couch, I'm still standing.

"What is it?" asks Zayn.

"OMC! You're pregnant!" says Louis.

"No, I'm not pregnant." I say laughing. Niall just smiles at Louis.  I take a deep breath....

"I got into Oxford." I say. Niall jumps up, picks me up and twirls me.

"Oh my God! This is amazing!" he says. He puts me down and the guys hug and congratulate me.

"That's great! How far away is it from London?" asks Liam.

"It's a little over an hour." I say. I look over at Niall and he's still got a huge grin on his face. I kiss him and he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Hey, let's go celebrate!" says Zayn and so we we go back into our rooms and get ready. We pull on our jackets and head over to a restaurant to eat.

"This is where my family would go to celebrate something." Niall says as we sit down. I was really happy to tell them, finally. We order our drinks and we talk about the school. Our server comes back and we order our food. No one came up to us until we walked out but it still wasn't bad. We just walk around town. Niall had his arm around my waist.

I tap his shoulder, "Niall, look, it's Rachel." I say and he looks across the street. She was with one of the guys I met at the Christmas party.

"Yeah, she's with Ronny." he says. They were holding hands walking down the street. She sees us and gives us a smile. I smile back and wave. She waves back and Ronny sees Niall. They walk across the street to us and say Hi. The rest of the guys go into a store to look around and we talked with Rachel and Ronny outside. Rachel seemed really cool now. They've been dating since Christmas Eve (4 days) and they looked happy. The guys come back out and we say goodbye and start walking again. Mullingar is such a cute town. Although it was snowing, it looked so pretty.

We were walking and I see a cute little boutique. I drag Niall in and look around. Everything was so cute and I felt like I was in lace heaven. There was a beautiful pastel pink lace dress and I couldn't stop staring at it. We walk out and Niall's just smiling at me.

"What?" I ask smiling.

"Did you like that dress?" he asks.

"Yeah, but pink isn't really my colour." I say. We get back to the car because it started to snow harder. We drive back to Niall's house and get inside. Niall's parents still weren't home. I turn on the weather channel.

"This snow strong is getting worse by the minute. We strongly suggest that you should not go outside for the next couple days." says the reporter. Niall's phone starts to ring.

"Hello? Oh, hey mom......Yeah, we're inside. Ok.....we will be fine. Bye" he says into the phone.

"What's going on?" asks Louis.

"My parents are stuck at their friends house and their car is stuck in the snow....looks like we will be here for a couple days alone." says Niall.

Authors Note:

Hey guys! sorry i havent updated in awhile. Im sick so i have a bunch of free time. lol Hope you enjoyed it and please continue reading!

My L.O.V.E. Nialler (Sequal to "Love isnt just a four letter word")Where stories live. Discover now