Chapter 28 "The Beach"

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Chapter 28

I sit up from laying down to get some sun and then I snuggle up to Niall and i put my head on his shoulder. Niall lifts my chin and kisses me.

"Let's go into the water." he says. We both get up and walk down to the water. It was really warm and we start going through the water, hand-in-hand, to the guys. They were splashing and dunking each other under water. Niall picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist in the water. I kiss his and run my fingers through his wet blond hair. Niall slides his arms around my waist and hugs me closer to him. He deepens the kiss, it is so sweet, until Louis splashes us.

"Com'on dude!" says Niall and I just laugh. Niall smiles at me.

"I love your laugh. I missed it a lot." he says to me.

"I missed yours too. So I would just watch some of your old video diaries." I say. It would always make my day to hear his laugh.

"Well your laugh is my ringtone." he says. I look at him confused.

"How is that?" I ask him.

"When we were on tour, the guys were doing something funny and you couldn't stop laughing for like ten minutes, so I recorded you." he says smiling. I smile back and kiss his cheek. It is really sweet but a little odd, but my ringtone is the one he made for Nokia so I guess I can't really say that. I giggle at my thought and I look back at Niall. He's smiling his perfect smile and I melt.

"I liked your smile before you had braces too." I say.

"Well, management wanted me to get them and I was getting hate for having crooked teeth." he says as his smile slowly disappears.

"That's stupid. I loved it because it made you special, but you still are special, and when I looked at you, it would assure me that you weren't perfect." I say and Niall's smile quickly reappears.

"But I'm not perfect." he says casually.

"Well, to 5 million girls, including me, you are." I say. Niall blushes a little, he looks so cute.

"Oh please, if anything, you're closer to perfect than I am." he says smiling. I can't believe he just said that. I'm still trying to look in the mirror and not have the word ugly take over my mind.

"Thanks but that's an over statement. Not even close babe." I say. He kisses me and let's go slowly.

"In my eyes, you're perfect for me and that's all that matters to me. You're beautiful, funny, smart, loving and that's way more than I could ever ask for. God really blessed me with you." he says. I feel a tear fall onto my cheek and Niall wipes it away with his thumb. No one has ever said anything to me like that before.

All I can get out is "I love you."

"I love you too." Niall replies and kisses me. I look over at the guys and Zayn motions us to come over. Niall walks over, still holding me, and Louis immediately knocks us both under water. I let go of Niall and we both resurface.

"Really Lou?" I ask giggling.

"Sorry, I was tempted and I just had to." he says giving me a smirk. Niall comes back up to me, puts his hands on the back of my legs, and picks me back up. I wrap my arms around his neck and he grips my sides with his hands. Although the water is really warm, his hands are warmer. I just stare into his beautiful blue eyes,  melting from how blue they are.

"Are you guys just gonna stare at each other the whole day or are we actually gonna do something?" asks Louis with his sass. I come out of my trance and realize Niall was staring back into my eyes. I look over at Louis.

"Well what would you like to do then Lou?" I ask.

"Shopping!!" he says. We all agree with shopping and we get out of the water. We dry off and I put my romper back on. We walk off the beach and start heading forwards the shops. Louis runs into one of the shops and Liam follows in after him. We also go in and shop in a bunch of other stores. Its really fun and it feels like the first day we hung out, the day Niall asked me to be his girlfriend. I smile at my thought as I look through racks of sundresses. I feel two hands slide across my stomach and hug my waist. I turn around, about to kiss Niall but it was Liam.

"Oh my carrots! I thought you were Niall, I was about to kiss you." I say blushing. That would've been very bad.

"Nope, it's me. That would've have been good." he says smiling.

"I see why you though it was Niall. Sorry if that hug was a little too ....ya know..." he says blushing.

"It's fine. I love your hugs." I say squeezing him. Niall comes over and we immediately let go, being a little awkward until Niall takes my hand and drags me away to show me something....

My L.O.V.E. Nialler (Sequal to "Love isnt just a four letter word")Where stories live. Discover now