Chapter 9 "The Answer"

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Chapter 9

I couldn't believe this! He's asking me to marry him and I'm only 16!! He must be loosing it!

 "Niall.....I..." I say sighing. He just looks at me and closes the box.

"I know we're young but it's not like we would for awhile. I just want to make sure you will be mine...forever." he says. I stare into his eyes and kiss him.

"Yes..." I whisper and smile at him.

"YESS?" Niall asks excitedly. I nod my head and he opens the box back up. He takes out the princess cut diamond ring (which matches the necklace) and slides it into my left ring finger. We kiss and I look over at his parents. They were both tearing a bit, even Mr. Horan.

"Looks like we have a new member of the family." says Greg and he hugs me.

"Good luck." he says into my ear and I laugh. That's what Liam said when I said yes to be Niall's girlfriend at the beach. Niall takes my hand and stares at it, admiring the ring. I lift his chin and kiss him.

"You're my fiancé now." I say. He smiles and I point to the back of the tree, with the other presents for him waiting to be unwrapped. He opens them one by one. His new green high tops, an official Irish 'football' jersey, and a custom phone case with a picture of us. He kisses me.

"These are great! Thank you y/n!" he says. We get all of our stuff and put them away. Niall's parents clean up all the wrapping paper and Mrs. Horan starts cooking for the Christmas dinner. Niall wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me back into our room when I was about to walk out. He lays me on the bed and he quickly shuts the door. He lays on top of me and kisses me passionately. He slides his hands under my shirt onto my sides. His hands were warm against my skin. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his hair gently. He kisses down to my neck and to my collar bones. I roll us so now I'm on top and I start to kiss his neck. I apparently found his spot because I hear a 'sigh' from Niall. I giggle and he moves his hands up and down my sides. It kinda tickles and I giggle even more. Niall kisses me passionately and let's go. He just stares at me.

"Now you're going to be my wife, not for awhile, but just the thought of it...." he says smiling. I was still shocked from when he opened the box and I kiss his cheek. I get off of him and start going through my suitcase for clothes. I put on jean shorts (since we probably won't be leaving the house) and the shirt my mom gave me. Niall and I walk out in our shirts and Greg smiles at us. "You guys actually look really cute." he says. "Thank you." I say and wrap my arms around Niall. He sits in the middle of couch and I sit on the side and lay my legs across his lap. He puts his hands on my legs and we watch the Christmas movie "The Grinch". I put my head on his shoulder and he kisses my head. He leans his head on mine and we fall asleep.

My last thought was, "I'm engaged to Niall Horan."

I wake up and I feel Niall's head still leaning on mine. I stroke my hand on his cheek. He takes my hand in his and kisses it. He lifts my chin and kisses me. My phone starts blowing up and it's my twitter. Mrs. Horan tweeted a picture of us sleeping and you can see my ring. Some comments were like, "IS THAT AN ENGAGEMENT RING?? So happy for you guys!!" and "CONGRATS!! I just knew it was going to happen!!"

Others were "I can't believe this! You're stealing him away from us!" and "That ring is on the wrong should be on MINE!!" I just focused on the good comments and tweeted "Hey guys! Yes, it's true. Niall proposed to me and I said YES!! Thanks you do much for the support! Love you guys and I promise this won't change a thing!" I get a notification. Someone commented, "No it won't. If it wasn't for the fans, I would've never met my beautiful new fiancé." It was Niall. I look up from my phone at him and kiss him.

"I'm so lucky to have you." I say. He smiles at me and takes my left hand.

He holds it and says, "I'm so glad I have you, and I know you will always be mine." He cups my face with his hands and stares into my eyes. I melt from his beautiful blue eyes...

Authors Note:

We said YES! I bet you werent suprised, i mean, who wouldnt say yes to him? lol Anyway, thanks for reading!

My L.O.V.E. Nialler (Sequal to "Love isnt just a four letter word")Where stories live. Discover now