Chapter 1 "The Airport"

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Chapter 1

I was almost ready to go. I pull on the blue onesie the guys got me for my birthday and zip up my backpack. I couldn't believe it was four months since I've seen Niall. I've been waiting for Christmas break ever since the first day of school when Niall said I would be coming. I couldn't believe how many people knew who I was when I got back to school. The principle even had George to take me from class to class. The first week was kinda awkward but then I got used to it. I blow a kiss to my Niall poster.

"I'm gonna see you soon." I say. I grab my bags and head out to the car. I get in, start up the engine and blast the boys' new album. I sing and rock out all the way to the airport and park. I get out and as I'm walking in to check my luggage in my phone goes off.

Niall texts me " I can't wait to see you. Did you get to the airport ok?"

I text back "Yeah, I'm about to check in my luggage. Love you!" I check in my luggage and go through security. Everyone was looking at me funny. Probably because I'm wearing a bright blue onesie with "Niall's girl" on the back. I just laugh and slip my boots back on. It's supposed to be really cold in Ireland so I stocked up with warm clothes, and a red dress if we were going to dinner or something. I get to my gate and they were about to board.

"Just in time" I say to myself and get in line. I get to my seat and realize its in First Class. Niall's so sweet. The plane takes off and I wonder if his parents are going to like me. I was going to stay at his house for two weeks for Christmas and I was really nervous. I put in my iPod and just listen to the guys the whole time and text Liam.

"His parents will love you! I'm sure. You'll be fine." he texted.

"Ok" I text back.

"We will be arriving into Dublin airport in about 15 minutes." the captain says. I put my phone in my pocket and my iPod in my backpack. The plane was landing and it was snowing. All the people get off the plane and I get my suitcase. Niall told me it might be crazy outside and he was right. There's so many fans outside, it was crazy. The security wouldn't let them in so I just waited for Niall inside. I heard screaming so I thought maybe it was him, then I realized they were screaming because they saw me. I just waved and looked around for Niall. I couldn't see him and I was getting worried.

"Y/N!" I hear and I look to my right. I see Niall running towards me. I drop my backpack and we hug and he squeezes me. He lifts me up and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he picks me up, still kissing me.

"I've missed you so much." I say.

"I've missed you too." he says. I missed his irish accent. He takes my suitcase in one hand and my hand in the other.

"Nice onesie, by the way" he says laughing.

"Thanks." I giggle and we walk to his car. The fans were crazy but we got in the car ok. He put my bag in the trunk and we drive to his house. He had his arm around me the whole time. One Thing started playing on the radio so I turned it up and started singing to it. Niall sang along too and I got goosebumps. We finally got to his house and it was really pretty. We got out of the car and Niall's dad walks out of the house. "Hey n/y! How was the flight?" he asks and hugs me.

"It was good. Thank you Mr.  Horan." I say.

"Jeeze Niall. Shes more beautiful than you described." he said.

"Thank you. It's really nice to meet you." I say.

"Same to you." he says. It started to snow again so we go inside. Niall's mom was in the kitchen. Their house was beautiful. There was a huge tree in the living room decorated with lights and ornaments.

"Hi y/n" she says and gives me a hug.

"It's nice to meet you, finally." she said.

"It's nice to meet you too. I was so excited." I say. I look at Niall and he's smiling.

"Well let me take these to your room." says Mr. Horan.

"Ok, where will I be staying?" I ask.

"In Niall's room, if that's ok." says Mrs. Horan.

"Only if it's ok with you." I say. She smiles and nods. Mr. Horan shows me to Niall's room. It was kinda messy but that what I expected. As we were walking down the hallway and I hear Mrs. Horan mumble

"She's very polite." in Niall's ear. I smile and Niall and I go into his room.

"Sorry about the mess." he says while he's picking up clothes from the floor.

"It's fine." I say and giggle. He stands up and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I finally have you to myself." he says and kisses me. I kiss him back but let go.

"It's ok. They really like you." he says and kisses me again.

Author's Note!

Hey guys! I hope you like first chapter! I'm guessing you might have red the original "Love isnt just a four letter word" before this one but if you havent i strongly advise that you do, or you might get lost in some of the things. lol Well just wanted to say i really appreicate you reading and please comtinue. oh and COMMENT pleeeeeeaaaasssseeee!!!!!

My L.O.V.E. Nialler (Sequal to "Love isnt just a four letter word")Where stories live. Discover now