Chapter 1 - First Encounter

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was 1 AM and I was picking up some groceries from 7-11. It had been a tough couple of weeks since All Might had retired. The crime rates almost immediately skyrocketed after his battle with All For One, and things weren't looking like they'd be getting better anytime soon. There had been more and more low time villains recently and the big ones were getting more and more powerful.

Something had to be done. I knew it, and I know pretty much everyone did as well, but I was different. I actually did something. The so called heroes were too busy caring for their status and fame while the government did absolutely nothing to deal with the problem that now plagued the country of Japan.

You were just trying to take a rest from all of your recent efforts, grabbing some of your favorite snacks and soda when you heard some commotion from the cash register which caught your and attention as well as the person next you. It just seemed as if trouble followed you wherever it is you went.

Mina's POV

I was walking back to the dorms after a good night of partying. Some of my best friends back from Middle School had invited me to a party and I was making my way back to Heights Alliance. On my way though I decided to get myself a quick drink from 7-11.

I quickly entered the convenience store and see that there are two people in aisle 3 (of which there were 4 separated by 4 shelves), and the cashier. I quickly grabbed a Diet Coke from aisle 1 and make my way to the cashier.

I set the bottle in front of the cashier and was about to speak when I feel something cold and hard push against the back of my head and the employee's face go white as if he had seen a ghost.

"Put the money in the bag or else I'll blow her fucking brains out!" I hear a rusty voice say behind me as his hand slammed a plastic bag next to my Coke. The employee immediately starts putting all the cash from the cash register into the bag. I try turning my head to see the man's face when he pushes the gun into the back of my head with much more force than before.

"Don't try playing hero girl!" He said mockingly. I look down with a stressed face, disappointed at myself. Not even 3 weeks ago I had managed to get my provisional hero license. Yet this is all I can do. What kind of hero am I? But then another voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah you heard him! Don't go playing hero, that's my job after all!" the new voice said. "Stay back, or I'll shoot her!" he answered. I turned around just enough to see the scene playing out and saw the man looking at a boy that looked about my age wearing white sneakers, a (F/C) shirt, blue jeans, a dark blue hoodie with the hood on, and a grey face mask covering most of his face, though I could still see his (E/C) eyes and some of his (H/C) hair. But the most eye catching feature was the shiny katana that he was casually pointing at the robber with.

The boy took a step closer and the robber took the gun out of the back of my head and aimed it at him. I could see that he was about to pull the trigger but the boy quickly managed to hit the gun with his sword which inexplicably managed to cut the gun in half.

The man stood there shocked at what had just played out, dropping the other half of the gun to the ground. I took the opportunity and elbowed him in the back of the head, knocking him out.

For a solid 10 seconds me, the cashier, and the boy in front of me stood there silently, until the boy went back into the aisle he came from, grabbed his goodies and set some money next to the cash register. All while still holding onto the katana mind you.

"You should probably call the cops and tell them about what just happened, I'll be leaving now, have a nice night you two" he stabbed the floor of the store with the katana and left it there standing. He waved with his now free hand and left the store.

A few seconds passed when suddenly the sword started glowing and seemed to change shape, into one of a human? When the glow stopped we could see a man in his thirties standing there on his knees looking down with his eyes closed.

I rushed over to talk to him while the cashier grabbed a phone and called the police. When I was near him I kneeled down and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Sir are you okay?" I asked concerned. "Ugh my head hurts, what happened?" He said putting his hand on his forehead. "Sir, could you quirk possibly be transforming into some type of sword?" "W-what!? N-no it's called sharpen. I can sharpen my body parts so that they can cut almost anything, even metal" he said while starting to stand up.

So that was the boy's quirk? He transformed this man into a sword? And why was he so clam? Who is this boy?

(Y/N)'s POV

I headed back to the apartment where I live alone. My family lives in Tokyo but I moved to Musutafu alone about 1 month ago because I wanted to start this. I am what people call a vigilante. I couldn't afford to wait to become a hero and waist 3 years studying when I could already be helping so much.

I arrived home and left the bag with what I had just bought in the tiny kitchen, went to my small room and fell unconscious on my bed.

I managed to sleep for 7 hours when I was woken up by the sound of the doorbell, which was extremely weird. I have no friends at the school that I go to since I spend all my time outside the school doing vigilante work.

I get up from my bed and slowly make my way to the door. I open it and see what I could only describe as a tiny bear-mouse-person. I looked down at him confused and he smiled.

"Why good morning young man, you must be (Y/N) (L/N) right?" he said cheerily. "Uhh, yeah that's me. And you are?" I said scratching the back of my head. "Oh goodness, where are my manners, you can call me Principal Nezu!" he said extending his arm for a handshake. I knelt down and shook his hand. "Oh you're a Principal, of what school?" I stood back up and retreated my hand, so did he. He stood silent when a new smile appeared on his face. A more sinister one...



Since apparently you can't tag people in the description of books I'll do it here. Quirk is based off Straight-For-Shinsou 's "Your Rein" quirk on his book.

Cheers! (Mina Ashido x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now