Chapter 9 - Understanding our feelings

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Mina's POV

I woke up as usual with the dreaded sound of my phone's alarm clock. I slowly got up and got myself into my uniform and headed downstairs. It seems like almost everyone was already downstairs and having breakfast. Including (L/N).

He was sitting down with Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima and Bakugou, and just looking at him brought a blush to my face, reminding myself of what happened last night. I quickly looked away and went to sit down on a table with the rest of the girls.

I sat down in a chair and my head fell down onto my arms on top of the table. "Hey, Mina. Are you okay?" Ochako asked worriedly. I mumbled something but it was completely incomprehensible since all the words were being muffled by my arms. "Is it about (L/N)?" Tsu asked to which I just hummed, which I guess was enough for them to understand what was happening.

A few seconds later I heard a plate being set in front of me, and when I looked up I saw YaoMomo standing up and looking at me. "We're running out of time, so eat up and if you want to we can talk about this on our way to school" she said with a small smile. So I quickly ate up and the six of us started walking to class.

We were walking together when Toru was about to start talking about (L/N) and tease me, but someone spoke before her. "Hey Ashi! Good morning!" he said walking next to me. I was surprised for a second but managed to keep my cool. "Good morning (L/N)! It's weird to see you with any amount of energy in the morning" I said giggling. "Yeah. I figured since I couldn't go out on patrol I'd just go to sleep sooner than usual".

And so we just kept talking on our way to class, and without even noticing I got separated from the rest of the girls and was unable to talk to them about (L/N), also completely forgetting about my embarrassment. Not that I care really. Speaking to him is much more fun than speaking about him anyways.

And so class went on as usual and lunch came. As always we went for our trays and sat down together. Kirishima, Bakugo, Sero and Toru in one side of the table, in that order, and on the other side was Kaminari, Jiro, (L/N), and me again, in that order.

We were talking about random stuff until Kirishima brought up something I was wondering about too. "Hey (L/N). So what are you gonna do with your free time the next few days?" he asked before taking a bite off his food. He thought about it for a while before answering "I actually have no idea, now that you mention it. I've just been fighting ever since I moved to Musutafu, so any hobby that I used to have I've completely lost by now" he said scratching the back of his neck.

After he said that I had the best idea I had had in a while, maybe even ever. "What if we hung out after school today. And I don't mean in the dorms, we could hang out at the mall and go to the stores and stuff! It would be super fun!" I said standing up a bit from my seat with a huge grin on my face.

"That is actually not that bad of an idea..." Sero said contemplating the idea. "Yeah! We could hit up the arcade and the food court!" Kaminari said excitedly. "So what about we get out of our uniforms back at the dorms after school and then head to the mall?" Toru said to which we all agreed.

And so classes went on as usual and sooner than later I was in my room getting dressed for our little trip. I decided to go for something that would get his attention but wouldn't scream try hard. (Just look at the image for the chapter, frankly I'm not even gonna try describing it).

We all met each other downstairs and I glanced over to look at (L/N). He was wearing the usual jeans, t-shirt and zipper jacket, and he even had his mask, though it was hanging around his neck instead of actually on his face, until a few seconds later where he brought it up to his face for no apparent reason that is.

Cheers! (Mina Ashido x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now