Chapter 10 - I'm Scared

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up in my bed with the sound of my alarm clock. Everything seemed normal. I got into my uniform and headed to the bathroom to wash myself. I slowly walked downstairs and poured the cereal and milk into the bowl. I'd usually make myself a sandwich, but for some reason I just wasn't in the mood.

I sat down with Sero and Kaminari and started eating in silence. "Hey (L/N), are you okay?" Kaminari asked looking at me with a concerned look. "Yeah, why?" I ask confused. "I don't know man, it's just that you look kind of... How do I put this? Dead? Depressed, tired, stressed? Something along those lines you know? At least more than usual."

I almost laughed at his comment. "Stressed? Why the hell would I be stress-" and then I saw it. Or rather, saw her. The reason for my stress came walking down the stairs, also looking pretty stressed about something if I'm being honest. Mina Ashido, Ashi.

She noticed that I was staring at her which made her blush and quickly look away walking to sit with some of the other girls. I sighed and I guess it was pretty noticeable, because Sero and Kaminari immediately noticed. Both of them looked at me and then Ashi, me, Ashi, me, Ashi.

"Wait, did something happen between you and Ashido yesterday when you were coming back from the mall?" Sero asked me, I could feel a small blush coming up to my cheeks, but ignored his comment and continued eating my cereal.

"C'mon man, you can tell us. It's not like you guys kissed or anything right?" Kaminari said joking. It was at this moment that I turned red, and almost choked on my cereal. I quickly swallowed my milk and cereal and got up from my seat.

"Wait. Did you!?" He basically screamed. I grabbed my bag and started walking alone to class with my headphones on. I arrived to class and sat down with my headphones until Aizawa arrived.

Class went on and sooner than later lunch came. I had something that I wanted to do so I went ahead and started leaving the classroom on my own, but stopped when someone called my name.

"Hey (L/N)! Wait up, let's go to lunch together" I looked back and saw Kirishima standing there with a huge grin on his face. But my attention was mostly on Ashi standing behind him with some of our other friends, looking down with a slight blush on her face. "Sorry man, I have to talk to the Principal about something" I said apologetically. "Oh, ok then don't sweat it" he said as he passed me.

The rest of them also walked past me, Sero giving me a tap on the shoulder in the way and the last one to walk past me was Ashi. Our eyes met for a fraction of a second, before we both blushed and looked away.

I went up the stairs and made a familiar route to the Principal's office. I knocked on the door and heard the voice of U.A.'s rodent tell me to come in, so I open the door and walk to his desk.

"Oh Mr. (L/N)! It's good to see you, how has your recovery been going?" he asked me cheerfully. I stood in front of the desk without sitting down and looked at the Principal.

"It's been going great. So great, that in fact I'd like to get right back into action" I say while faking a smile to convince him of my well being. "Uh, I'm not so sure that would be that great of an idea Mr. (L/N). It's barely been a week since you went through surgery remember? And we did have a deal." He says looking at me, curious behind the reasoning of my actions.

"Look. I'll stay out of any big shot villains and stick to low-life muggers for today. If I can't handle that, I'll rest for the next few days. Just let me give me it a shot" I basically begged. This just left him even more confused and curious. This wasn't normal behavior from me, by any stretch of imagination, and both me and him knew it.

Cheers! (Mina Ashido x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now