Chapter 13 - His Home

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(Y/N)'s POV

Four days had quickly come and gone and Friday had finally arrived. Our classes went by as usual, but most of the conversation during the day was all about the interview that Mina and I would be a part of tomorrow. I received some words of encouragement from my friend and teachers, Aizawa telling me that he was surprised by my choice, given that I shared his despise for the media.

School passed us in a flash and by 3:30 PM Mina and I had our baggage in hand and were heading to the train station so that we could begin our journey to Tokyo. During the train ride as I sat next to her, I noticed that she seemed a lot tenser than usual, and so to test my theory I lightly poked her side which earned a yelp and a light punch to my shoulder by the pink girl.

"Hey Ashi, you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine..." she said while looking down at her hands which were closed into fists. "Wow, I had no idea you were such a bad liar. What is it Ashi? You know you can tell me right?" I said as I flashed her a sympathetic smile as my hand went towards hers and our fingers intertwined, making the girl show that beautiful smile of hers I'd grown to love so much.

"I'm just nervous to meet your parents... I mean, what if they don't like me?" she said, her face returning to one of anxiety, which caused my hold on her hand to tighten. "Ashi you have nothing to worry about. I'm sure they'll love you. If anything they'll question why you would ever date me." I joked which made her giggle in return. "Trust me, as long as you stay wary of my older sister's teasing you'll be fine" I ended with a smile.

"You have a sister?" she asked, now much more relaxed than before. "Yup. That's the only sibling I have though, what about you?" "I have one older brother and two younger siblings, one girl and one boy." "Damn, if they are even as slightly as annoying as you then living under that roof must be hell." I joked earning a playful slap to my arm as she giggled even more.

Now much more relaxed than before, Ashi leaned onto me and rested her head on my shoulder. "Thanks (Y/N). I feel much better now" she said with a smile still present on her face. "Good, now get some sleep before we get there, it's only an hour until we get there but we might as well." I reasoned, to which she hummed in approval.

The hour passed in a flash and we had finally arrived at the capital of Japan, Tokyo. After leaving the station we spotted where the taxis were, and after giving the driver my home address we were well on our way to my parents' house. After a quick drive, we left the car in front of a large apartment building, typical of Tokyo, and after a few minutes we were standing in front of the door to home sweet home.

Instead of getting nervous again, Ashi breathed in and out and looked at me as if to give me approval to ring the doorbell. I smiled and chuckled at her little action and pressed the small button next to the door before stepping back next to Ashi's side and taking her hand in mine. We looked at each other and smiled, a beautiful moment that was only interrupted by the sound of a camera's flash going off.

Directing my sight back in front of me I saw a girl slightly older than me with long hair the same color as mine with her camera in hand and a shit-eating grin I was way too familiar with.

"Well, well, well. You know (Y/N), there's a lot of magazines that would pay some top dollar for this photo" she said, causing me to sigh, as I was way too familiar already with her brand of teasing. "Nice to see you too Akane. Are Mom and Dad home?" "Wow. Is that how you greet your sister?"

Mina's POV

"Look who's talking you paparazzi!" (Y/N) spat back, causing me to giggle a bit at the two siblings' behavior. Not because it was that funny in and of itself per se, but more because it was so similar to the bickering that me and my older brother go through ourselves when we see each other. Unfortunately, the giggle seemed to bring the older girl's attention back to me as she eyed me up and down before her grin made its presence known again.

Cheers! (Mina Ashido x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now