Chapter 8 - Back Home

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(Y/N)'s POV

5 days. It has been 5 days since I was shot in the Yaoyorozu Mansion, and even made the news. Apparently the video surveillance footage of the mansion somehow got leaked to the internet, and it had instantly gone viral.

I was in my hospital room holding a bag with the clothes I used 5 days ago and some other things. I guess you could call them souvenirs. It was everything that you could possibly imagine, from newspapers with a picture of me in the cover and an article about me, to a formal agreement that if I ever had any financial necessities the Yaoyorozus would help me out with them. They basically forced me to sign that agreement though if I'm being honest.

I was walking down the stairs to the entrance of the hospital alone. My friends said they wanted to be with me when I left the hospital but they had class right now so I was going to have to walk to the dorms on my own, but a little peace and quiet never hurt anyone so I wasn't that sad or disappointed. Too bad though, I wouldn't get any peace and quiet anyways.

The instant I stepped out of the hospital I was swarmed by cameras and reporters, shouting over each other trying to get an answer out of me. "Mr. (L/N)! How hard was the recovery on you physically?" "Is it true that some students in your class have a disliking to you?" "Did the Yaoyorozus give you any monetary compensation for your actions?" "Do you feel that in retrospective killing that criminal was the wrong choice?"

Instead of trying to shove my way through them and make a run for it, I stood there waiting for them to finish asking their questions. Eventually silence returned and they all waited for me to answer at least one of their questions. But instead I kept looking down and let out a chuckle. "You all got some nerve for coming here".

I walked through the crowd of reporters and cameramen and had a peaceful walk to the dorms, my home. I entered the dorms and headed to my room to leave my things there. Damn. Ashi was right my room is really bland. I left the bag on my desk and fell back onto my bed looking up at the ceiling. I looked at the poster and it seemed different. It seemed bigger.

Around the original poster were 30 small white pieces of paper with names written on them. 10 of them were my classmate's names that were missing before like Yaoyorozu, Shoji and Todoroki. The other 20 were the names of all the hostages from 5 days ago. I smiled to myself and headed downstairs to the kitchen to grab a snack.

I spent the whole day just relaxing in the common room binging a bunch of movies. This was definitely a huge change of pace for me, someone who usually spends the entirety of his day either in school or fighting crime.

I was on my 5th movie of the day when I heard some voices come from the entrance. I tilted my head backward so I could see what was going on and there stood Kaminari, Midoriya and Kirishima talking to each other. That is until they noticed me.

"(L/N)!!" The three shouted simultaneously. I grinned and waved at them from my seat. The three of them came running to the sofa. "Dude it's so good to see you out of that hospital bed!" Kirishima said while sitting down next to me. "Damn, I cant believe I'm actually seeing you just relaxing and enjoying yourself..." Sero said while walking towards us.

"Yeah. I'm not allowed to do any hero work for the next week. Otherwise they'll strip me of my provisional-license so I don't really have a choice." I said grabbing another chip from the bag.

"Oh by the way. Where's Ash-" "(L/N)!!!" The pink girl screamed when she entered through the front door. She immediately ran over to me and gave me a bear hug before quickly taking a step back, leaving her huge beautiful smile in full display. Wait. What did I just say? Eh, whatever.

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