Missed You

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It was night time in the land of Ooo, despite the ungodly hour the green knight stood tall and proud while guarding the entrance of Gumbald's temple with pride. Even with his past life as Finn's shadow it wasn't until now, he felt like he finally had a purpose, he was the green knight, he had to serve the man who brought him back and turned him into a better version than his human counterpart.

But despite his new and improved abilities there was a gut wrenching feeling occasionally bothering him, thoughts of how incomplete he felt as if there was something missing.

Fern shrugged the thought away while he continues his night shift, he didn't have time to ponder on such trivial things.

The green knight continued his patrol around the castle like area until he felt something bounce off his helmet, this didn't bother him at first since it could have been a bug or something, but when he felt something hit his helmet again it was beginning to buzz him off. Before another object could land on his helmet a third time, the green knight skillfully caught it in his hand without looking.

"What in the world-?" he questioned as he opened his palm hand "Where are these acorns coming from?!" the knight said out loud, turning around to recall the lack of trees around him and pinpoint where the acorns were coming from. Sure, they weren't life threatening but they were still annoying the hell out of him.

Eventually the knight noticed a figure occasionally poking their head from the corner of the wall surrounding the castle, they rhythmically appeared every so often to shoot more acorns at him from a distance, it took him a while to see them correctly due to the dark but the knight recognized that silhouette anywhere.
"I can see you clearly ya know? there's no point in hiding" the young man spoke to the intruding figure. His voice didn't sound threatening in the slightest but instead he sounded somewhat tired and annoyed, as if he was too familiar with this person and their antics, this was proven further on when the knight took a more relaxed stance by reverting his grass blade into a hand.

"I don't care. I just wanna keep throwing things at you!" you shouted back in a childish manner, sounding somewhat upset. Even though you came out of your hiding spot you kept using your slingshot to shoot more acorns at the knight's helmet, annoying him further on.

The green knight stomped his way up to you "Just stop it already! Go home, you're butting in on my job" he tried to make you leave by taking away your slingshot and pushing you away with enough force to keep you at bay but not enough to hurt you, even with these nonviolent attempts you weren't having none of it. You wrapped yourself around one of his long legs like a leech, refusing to let go for anything in the world just because you were that mad.


Anger was beginning to built up inside the green knight, yet he couldn't bring himself to hurt you.

"Ughh- why are you even here? You're just bugging me!" he burst out angrily, which only tightened your grip around him.

"Because you didn't tell me you were alive...!" you burst out in anger as well, you did your best to keep your emotions in check but the sight of your supposedly dead friend was enough to make hot tears run down your face due to mixed feelings of anger and hurt. "You never came back and I thought you were dead, but you weren't... and you didn't tell me a glob damn thing!" you tried punching his leg out of spite but your weak blows didn't do much to his green clad armor. "I thought I was hallucinating when you showed up to Finn's party, but noo I just had to come all the way here to confirm it... and now that I'm seeing you... you... you're such a butt..."

He stopped struggling as your hold on him became loose, guilt was beginning to replace his anger- growing faster than anger or annoyance. He looked back at Gumbald's temple over his shoulder with a sigh, eventually handing your slingshot back.
"Let's go somewhere else" he suggested, the last thing he wanted was to get you in trouble with uncle Gumbald.

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