Kate Bassett is no longer just an ordinary high school senior. Her world changed instantly the second she took the hand of a handsome young man wearing a black cloak. Family legends and well kept secrets have transformed her reality and now, the cem...
First, I want to sincerely thank Wattpad for being an incredible and amazing tool for my stories to reach an array of readers all around the world! I'm exceedingly grateful for their help and for listing Graveyard Watchman, book 1 on their "featured" book list last year. ❤️
Secondly, I'd like to give my Wattpad readers the exclusive first peak of the cover for GW3
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To my readers: Thank you for your support, your emails, your DM's and everything in between! The fact that so many of you want to read my story and can't get enough, still blows me away! You guys are the reason I write. I don't do this for the money or the recognition. I do it because I seriously enjoy helping people escape into another world—even for a little while. That, my friends, makes every ounce of effort I put in, totally worth it! I love you, I appreciate you and I hope you will tell your friends, family, co-workers (whomever) about my books! 😘