A policeman showed up immediately as if he had fell from the sky. Rosey acted as if nothing happened and continued to sing "'Mommy' had a little lamb". Rowan was still crying and Carter was screaming hysterically (again) due to the fact that he had minor whiplash. The people that I had hit were a jerky couple that kept yelling at my while doing the disgusting tongue kiss that drives me crazy. They were like:
"Oh. My. God!" Kiss. "You could've," kiss, "killed us! What kind of crazy," kiss, "person are you! Did you realize that this," smooch, "car that you smashed is new?" Really long kiss.
I winced every time they made the obnoxious SMOOACHHHH sound. The woman had an annoying squeaky voice and that reminded me of a 6-year-old Becky G. She had gold earrings and a nose piercing. Her hair was dyed reddish-brownish-pink and wore so much red lip gloss I wanted to puke. Not to mention that her sunglasses made her look sassy (which she was). Her husband had a suit on and a nice black tie. His hair was a mix between Justin Bieber and Elvis Presley. It was nearly black and he had sunglasses that were identical to his wife's. Classic rich people. She was rich sassy lady and he was an emperor penguin in sunglasses. Ugg.
The policemen were able to sort things out and the damage didn't look too bad. My car's bumper and head was pretty crushed in; like Rowan's head. Plus the windshield was smashed into more than a bazillion pieces. The rich people's car had a couple big dents and a ton of tiny dents. The black paint was slightly peeled off. It was a near-limo and an orange minivan. Yep, my minivan is neon orange. But the tax is small and it starts about 90% of the time.
I was handed the bill for the car payments and stuff and I expected a couple hundred bucks but when I saw the paper I nearly fainted. Like, I fell on the ground but was able to get back up after a couple seconds. I couldn't pay it. I physically couldn't do it. Even though insurance covers most of the cost, there wasn't enough to keep my family alive. It felt hopeless. In the game of life, I had lost. I cried and cried and cried when they took us to the station. I couldn't pay to keep us alive and I had to get money. Tori popped into my head which only made me cry harder. Then one word saved my life. Gary.
To Steal An Egg
ФэнтезиOkay, so I found this story that I wrote when I was ten and it's actually okay so we're just gonna put it here and hope some people read it. So yeah, don't mind spelling/grammar errors 'cause there will be some... Mary is a full-time mother with...