Chapter #24

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Tori was crying last night. She wanted what was best for our family but she didn't want to give up Olive. I hated to have to give up my grandchild too. I was fifty years old now and my hair was growing greyer. I like grey hair. I don't know what some people have against it.

"Olive, I love you," she told the baby.

"Awagug," Olive replied.

"I've chosen," she started to tear up, "to give you away. And I will regret it."


"I have to go now. Please, remember me as Mommy, okay?"

"Ommy," she said.

"I'm your Mommy." Victoria was crying for hours but she knew it was the right thing to do. To give up Olive for us and herself. That's what she did.

The dragon took Olive by her shirt and placed her on his tail. Then he bent his neck down for us to mount. We got on sadly, wishing that this wasn't the last time we would see Olive.

We flew home in less than a week and stood sadly at the door of our house when we arrived. Olive was still sleeping on Ezra's tail when we waved goodbye. We were all crying. Gary was the only one silent but when I looked closer at him I saw that his eyes were shiny and tear-filled.

The dragon took off and we took one last look at Olive. The island we were one was to be named Olive in remembrance of her. Why did we ever trust a dragon?

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