Chapter 15: Ill Be There Every Step Of The Way

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING! READ WITH CAUTION!!!!⚠️ Like I said in chapters 14. This once again WILL contain self harm, suicide thoughts, and abuse. Please read with caution and you might want to skip this part if you are sensitive to theses subjects, Please, Please, Please!! read with caution!⚠️

This is the same night as chapter 14.
Louis and Clem had finally calmed down, they both held each other very, very, very tight, not wanting to let go.

"I'm sorry Clem. It's just that after all the shit that happened with my mom and all that shit, I just didn't know what to do and I was in such a dark place it just happened...."

Clementine roller over atop her boyfriend and gave a soft sigh. "Lou, you never told me what happened with your mom, but it must have been that bad to where you felt so lost. But Louis, I promise I'll be there every step of the way for you, we're one and what ever you go through you're not gonna go through it alone." Clementine smiles as a tear rolled down her cheek and she kissed her boyfriend.

Louis smiles back as he whipped his girlfriends tear from her cheek with the pad of his thumb.

"Hey, I will tell you this. I was never suicidal, I never though about killing my self because I didn't want to leave Ashley, my dad and my sister who were very little at the time. The self harm was how I guess coped with my mom leaving, I guess I though she would know I was doing it and it would make her happy. After that Marlon and the others noticed I struggled with a lot of anxiety and I would feel down when I looked at my arms and stuff. Clementine, I really do want help, I don't know how to stop because it cane almost an addiction. I don't wanna put this pressure on you but do you think you can talk to your parents and then they can talk to mine...?"

"There is no pressure, like I said, we're one and I'm gonna help you with everything that comes your way. I'll talk to them tomorrow if you're okay with me telling them everything?"

Louis nodded his head yes. He really did want help, truly. He's struggled with all these emotions and mental health issues since his step-mom and dad came home from the hospital with his sister LJ. H wanted to prioritize his mental health and be the funny Louis he was deep down all the time.

Both teens eventually fell asleep as it was all ready late, Clem was the one to wake up before her lover. She was supposed to be home to help her mom with her new clothing line that was to be released soon.

As she was getting out of bed she awoke her sleeping boyfriend. He smiled as he sat up in bed and gave her a soft smile.

"Wanna come with me back home, I've gotta be up early tomorrow morning to help my mom out with her new project coming out?" Clementine asked as she sat up in her boyfriends bed.

"Yeah, I'll come. I'll text my dad and tell him I'm with you." Louis said with a smile. Clem held her hand out to her boyfriend as she gladly latched on to it. They both left through the window and made there way a couple blocks down to the girls house. When they arrived it was about 6:30am so they snuck back into the girls window and slipped back into bed and went back to sleep.


"Are you fucking kidding me!" The shot girl said as she gave both her parent wide eyes.

"Watch your language around the baby." Her father said as he laughed and covers Scarlets ears, she juts look up at her dad in confusion.

Her mother and father has juts told Clementine that her first eyeshadow pallet was juts about ready to be released, all she had to do was her photoshoot for the palette.

She wanted to be happy, but the though of last night crossed her mind, she needed to tell her parent and Louis' too. "Mom, Dad. Can I talk to you two. It's about Louis."

The girls tone upset her parent a little, she sounded scared and worried, Carly and Lee quickly sat down at the table with Clem sitting across.

"So last night, I found out Louis was cutting him self. He said he's never been suicidal before and that he did it as more to cope with his mom leaving him, but he also struggles with a little of anxiety and some depression. He said he wanted help and I was wondering if you guys could help, along with his parent....?" Tears formed in the girls eyes as she remembered the events of last night.

Carly sighed, "Of course, I'll give his dad and step mom a call and we'll help look for some therapist to help him, okay?" Clem shook her head 'yes' she then wiped her tears and ran up to her room.

She closed the door behind her and jumped into her bed, waking her boyfriend. "Why are you so happy?" Louis asked with a light chuckle.

"Okay so you know how I've been working on my makeup line and that shit?" "Yeah....?" "Well my mom and dad juts told me my 'Queen Clem' eyeshadow pallet was being released soon! I juts have to do a small photo shoot for it.!"

Louis smiles and embrace his girl with a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you baby! You did it!" Louis gave Clementine a kiss on her forehead as he hugged her.

"I know that the mood is light and good, but can we talk?"

"Yeah, are you okay babe?" Clementine asked sitting up one her bed, sitting crisscrossed on her bed. "I juts though that you should know about what happened with my mom."

Louis sat up in bed and sat across his girlfriend, he placed his hands atop his girlfriends hands witch rested on her thighs.

"Are you sure, I know it's gonna be hard."

Louis nodded his head as he placed a kiss atop the girls forehead.

"So I was about eight years old when this all went down, what happened was once my dad started his own business my mom said that she wanted a divorce because she started seeing another man and she was pregnant with the mans kid. Of course my dad was pissed, not that she was cheating on him but that when they went to court she wanted over half his money.

They eventually Settled on a deal to where my mother didn't have to pay any child support some how and she also said if he didn't give her a little over five thousand a dollars a month she was gonna say my dad beat me and then she would put me up for adoption. So my dad agreed and she left only a few days later. He last words to me where they she didn't need me anymore and that I meant nothing to her, then she slapped me and left the house.

Then about a year later my dad met Ashley and they got engage and then two years later they were married and then maybe another year or so later TaraJane was born when I was born and then LJ came alone later."

Somehow Louis managed to not cry, he didn't care for his mother, but it hurt him to know that she put his father through that much drama.

"Oh Lou.." Clementine cupped her boyfriends cheeks and gave a soft smile. "I'm so sorry about everything that happened, but just know I love you baby, no matter what has happened to you I will never see you different! I will always see you as me soft, kind, loving, sweet and soft boyfriend."

"Thank you baby, you mean the world to me. I couldn't have asked for a batter girlfriend."

Word Count: 1445

Okay so like I got confused with the age gaps between Louis and his siblings.

But I am gonna say the timeline is gonna get really confusing later in this book because I've all ready planned out the whole book. There will be 60 chapters and then something else😏

So don't pay attention to the ages and time line please😂

Anyways hope you guys enjoy! I love you all my voters, readers, and supporters!!!


July 2021 edit!
I took the aged out because I didn't want there to be a specific age or a specific tone line set so that's why there is no age or time of the month or what year it is!

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