t h r e e .

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I woke up in the hospital , feeling a hot damn mess. I didn't have a phone so I could call the women who helped me .

We never got each other's name still and honestly I'm so thankful for people like her .

literally as I was thinking about her and she walked in.

"Hay baby , how you feeling" she asked

"I'm feeling better thanks so much" I said

"No problem, I never got your name" she said

"Grace" I said

"That's such a beautiful name , my name is Heaven" she said .

"That's a pretty name" I said

"Okay so the nurse spoke to you already you ready to go?" I asked

"Yes ma'am" I said being respectful

"Okay were gonna stop by my place first just to get you cleaned up , but I think my daughter may have a sweat suit she left over you can wear and you can rest in the guest room." She told me

"Thank you so much heaven, thank you so so much" I said

"No problem"

||1 hour later||

I just got out the shower at her house, she helped me wrapped up my wounds and I put the all grey sweat suit on .

Throwing my hair in a ponytail I went downstairs.

Smelling some great great food , my stomach made my presence knowing I'm starving .

"Here grace" Heaven said handing me a plate with rice and beans and curry chicken in it .

"I can't say thank you enough" I said smiling taking the plate from her . Sitting down at the table I dogged the food . I haven't had a meal like this since I was 15 .

after washing out my plate , I was going to watch tv for the first time in months

"The house phone is there if you need to call , my number is on the fridge and there's leftovers on the stove I'm gonna go to work"
she said

"Okay Heaven thank you for everything" I said .

As she left out I decided to put on YouTube, shoo I haven't listened to any music for a while and I heard about lil baby and wanted to listen .

I played Drip Too Hard immediately liking the beat. As the song played I went to the stove to get some more food .

After the song was over I played almost all his songs that I missed out on . Deciding to just out on a movie after I was getting a little tired .

My body was so sore and I just wanted to lay down and the couch was so comfortable.

I put on this movie called "to all the guys I've ever loved" on Netflix and I got comfortable under the covers Heaven gave me .

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