t w e n t y f o u r .

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||2 years later mid August|| in the book its 2021 .||


"Babe , I need everything to go right i'm gonna be 20 of course i'm making this a big deal" . I said to my boyfriend Jay as I threw myself on the bed .

"Did anyone ever notice your turning 20 on August 20th ?" he said taking his slides off .

I finally gave Jayden a chance after moving out here to Atlanta and getting multiple dms from him , he wasn't a quitter .

Jayden and I didn't live together but he spent most of his time in my 3 bedroom apartment. I'm really glad I gave him a chance and September 1st makes it 1 year of us being together .

My phone started ringing and I seen it was "Dad❤️" I sat up and answered .

It's crazy the person who forced me to move out here , doesn't even talk to me as much its like he forced me out here to neglect me , I brought my apartment and I've been paying it off working at the modeling agency that Kylah's father owns .

"Ya dad" I answered .

"Can you come over today ? It's urgent" He said

"Like now ? or later" I asked

"Now is okay" he said .

I said okay and I hung up , I was going to come how I was already in shorts and a tank top all I had to do was throw on my slides .

"Babe , i'm going to my dads i'll be back" I told Jay

"Text me when you there sexy" he said and I chuckled grabbing my keys.


As I drove to my dads my mind wondered , for the last two years every time I ask my father for his reasoning on moving out here he just says "It was for your safety I told you I won't let you get hurt again" and for the past two years I still think it's bullshit but i'm happy with my boyfriend and not complaining.

I pulled up to my dads house and parked my car in his driveway quickly texting Jay said I was there . Then getting out the car and locking it then knocking on the door .

He opened the door and looked different , I've spoke to him on the phone and allat but I haven't seen him in person in 4 months and that's exactly why I knew it had to be something for him to call me over .

"Heyyy baby , I miss you and I love you so much you know that ?" He said as he pulled me in .

"Um yeah I know that , I love you too dad how you been" I said .

"Good Good" he said moving weirdly shutting and locking the door . He was wearing long sleeves and it was 92 degrees outside and the AC wasn't on and it was hot inside I looked around and it looked like he hasn't cleaned up in months .

"Dad are you okay what's going on ?" I asked starting to feel like something isn't right.

"Nothing baby" he said scratching his arm . I scrunched up my face and walked over to him yanking up his sleeve seeing needle marks and my eyes immediately started to water.

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