s e v e n t e e n .

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Three weeks Later . { RIP HEAVEN}
THANKS FOR 10k reads babies ❤️.

"Okay well don't catch a fucking attitude with me I'm trying to help you" I said to Adonis .

His tolerance was so horrible lately , the littlest thing got on his nerves and I. D.o.n.t know if it's cause we haven't had sex in three weeks since his accident but .

I know walking around on crutches is annoying , but when you have your girlfriend taking care of you , you shouldn't be a bitter Dick about it .

I love Adonis , but his attitude was starting to irk my last nerves I wanted to hide his crutches .

I now owned the restaurant since heaven died , a couple people quit because they didn't want me to be owning it but I didn't care .

I was handling Adonis the restaurant and modeling gigs . I finally got enough money to buy my car specially since Adonis couldn't drive me anywhere .

I most definitely took pictures in front of my car as much times as I can

I most definitely took pictures in front of my car as much times as I can

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"Baeee" Adonis yelled

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"Baeee" Adonis yelled

"Yes" I said walking up the stairs in his house .

"I'm about to head out with the guys" he said

"Your not fully recovered yet and your going to get into bull shit already ?

"Here you go again" he said .

"You know what you right , we can both go out . Go have fun Lemme call up bri" I said walking out the room .

He slowly got up and made his way to the bathroom , following behind me .

"See why you doin that ?" He said

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