f o u r t y f o u r .

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i'm so horrible sksksks , hey y'all .


When I woke up I totally forgot I woke up in Dubai , I was patting my bed to feel for Omari and he wasn't there so then I got kinda bummed .

The time difference from Dubai and Oakland is drastic like Dubai is 11 hours ahead of Cali so right now it was 9:37 am and it was 8:37 pm in Cali .

I picked up my phone and called Omari

"Hey babe" He said once he picked up

"Sorry for calling late the time difference you know" I said

"No no it's fine I expected that , you just woke up ?" He asked

"Yeah I didn't even brush my teeth yet , what you doing ?" I asked

"I'm packing , I got a shoot in atlanta my flight is tomorrow" He said

"Ouu okay I miss work already , but i'll take some good pictures for both you and the agency out here it's beautiful I can already see the poses" I said

" Of course baby" He said

"Graceeee you up" I heard Dri say as she knocked on my door

"Yeah" I said

"The chef finished breakfast, I just wanted to tell you so you can come down to eat with us" She said

"Okay i'm comingg" I said

"Baby i'm going to get ready so I can go down for breakfast" I said and he said alright and Hung up


"Why do we hav stop wait for her again ?" I asked

"Because we came here as a group and your BOYFRIEND who planned this trip had a group breakfast involved" Driany said to me

"I'm going to discuss everything I have planned for this trip , just to set things straight and Not everything has to be couple like because Grace came alone" Don said

"What ever , she should've never came once her man said he can't come" I said

I wasn't waiting for this girl to eat she should've been up , I got up and went to the table because it was like an all you can eat breakfast buffet so eggs , pancakes, waffles , croissant , bacon , french toast , regular toast , and fruits and more

"Sorry guys , I didn't mean to make you guys wait" Grace said coming downstairs

"Yeah sorry" I said taking my plate and sitting at the table

"You're too pretty to act like this" She said going to the buffet table grabbing a plate

I heard Don cough and Durk sniffle

" Excuse me ?" I asked

"You act like a jealous insecure hoe , i'm not tryna be your bestie neither am I tryna fight so let's get through these 2 weeks nobody is worried about you and don't be worried about me . We're adults how about we act like it" She said

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