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Today I was getting my paycheck from Heaven not forever 21, and of course since it was $450 I was gonna save $250 and spend $200.

$87 was going towards my put in for me and Brianna's phone bill . The rest of the money was going to get a couple more clothes and panties.

The boys number I got at the clinic was a dub , this Nigga talking about his wife don't gotta know , I said blockiana.

"Thanks Heaven" i said receiving my pay check .

I called Brianna

"Girl come pick me up , you know the drill bank then mall" I said

"Okay sis I'm coming" she said .

I got dressed in a an all black body suit with furry slides .

I heard a honk and I grabbed my things said by to Heaven and left out.

"Hay girl" I said

"Wassuh bae" she said .

After we went to the bank she pulled over "my friend does owns a tattoo shop and I can get us one for free you down" she asked

"Hell yeah" I said .

She smiled and drove to the tattoo shop , stepping out and walking in I sat down as Brianna did the talking .

"We waiting for the owner" she said

"Kk" I said .

10 minutes later the owner walked in I looked up and seen Adonis.

"Oh the owner here girl come on" Brianna said

"Adonis" I questioned

"Hay Grace" he said

"Y'all know each other ?" Brianna asked confused

"Yeah, I mean I live with Ms Heaven you didn't think I'd know her son?" I asked

"I didn't think about it , what ever Adonis hook us up with some free tats" Brianna said

"She's not getting a tattoo" he said .

"Who Grace ?" Brianna asked

"Why not ?" I asked

"Because your pregnant , you can't faint from the pain you ain't never got tatted before" he said

"Okay , I'm pretty sure I can handle the pain" I said with an attitude . I've been through enough to actually get a tattoo with out passing out .

"Okay what ever" he said .

After gettin our tattoos and nothing was wrong with me . Brianna walked out and said she was going to the car .

I slid off the tattoo bed and was about to walk out not till Adonis grabbed my arm.

I jerked and looked at him thinking he was jacob for a second . I guess he seen my look and said "my fault ."

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