t h i r t y s e v e n .

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Sleeping in my new apartment felt so empty but great at the same time , It was saturday and I was just laying down staring out my balcony .

It was a 3 bedroom but the other 2 rooms were downstairs , I was probably going to use one room as a beauty room maybe but I didn't know yet .

It was a 3 bedroom but the other 2 rooms were downstairs , I was probably going to use one room as a beauty room maybe but I didn't know yet

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Every time someone gets they heart broke in a movie I start crying . Adonis broke my heart again and we wasn't even in a relationship this time

He's been all over social media with his new girl , so I just blocked him and kept it pushing .

I had a meeting with Kylah's father at 5 not sure why it was so late but basically I was going to lounge around all day until it was time .

I don't know if I was going to be in magazines or just stay instagram known , but i'll see his vision for me and compare it to my own because I want to be on billboards walking runways and start my own company .

I was already selling things , doing paid promotion for other companies and more .

I thought why not take a nap while I wait , and I slowly dozed off .

~~~~~ 5:30~~~~~~

While I was at the internship, there was others there but this one man caught my eyes . We've been eye fucking each other this whole time so I knew he wasn't Gay .

He finally walked over to me and my heart started beating faster .

"You here for the modeling or photography?" He asked

"T th the modeling" I said stuttering on the T

He chuckled

"I'm here for the modeling as well" He said i smiles and thought this could go well .

We stayed with each other the whole tour talking until it was individual time , I wished him good luck before he went in .

His response was "Ion need it girl"

15 minutes later he game out and he looked sad

"Aww it didn't work out" I asked opening my arms to give him a hug .

  "Sikeee" he said and started dancing , I started laughing and pushed him

"You're an idiot" I said laughing

"So what's the deal , I asked"

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