t w e n t y s i x .

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I Literally Barley Proof Read , But I'm Sure Y'all Knowww What I Mean Most Of The Time 💆🏽‍♀️. I Love All My Readers This Is Just A Filler !!&' Thanks For 73K ❤️🤪.


My birthday was literally 2 Days away and Jay insisted we go back to California for my birthday and I said why not .

Me , Driany and Kylah were all packed and ready to go . Our flight was today at 1pm , but I'm scared of running into Adonis or any of them .

I knoww Dri and Kylah are gonna go see Durk in the hospital and i'm definitely going . I'm just scared of bumping into Adonis but he can't be at the hospital every day trust me i'm good .

Jay has been acting weird lately but I just think it's something he's planning for my birthday . Our flight is a couple hours away and I was so bored because I already did everything I had to do .

||Skips to Exiting Airport||

"Shit I couldn't wait to feel that cali air hit me" Kylah said .

"Same , the breeze never gets old." I said

"Word , feels the same"Jay said .

"Bae I thought you said you never been anywhere but new york and straight to atlanta and never traveled since ?" I said , only a true visitor or californian (i know it's not a word) would know how the real breeze feels .

"I don't remember saying that babe" He said .

"Seems to me you don't remember saying a lot of things" Driany mumbled .

"Listen Ms Single" Jay said getting ready to start arguing with her like usually.

"Nope . Don't start not in california not today" I said pointing my finger at them .

"Aigh , Dri can you figure out what hospital Durks at . As soon as I change i'm going to see him"I said .

"Aigh lemme call don" She said loudly.

I'm staying with Jay at the same apartment I had in Cali before I moved , Kylah and Dri got a hotel room together . But the hotel isn't far from my apartment which is good .

We all went out separate ways , Jay payed to have my car flew to cali in advance so it's already parked outside the apartment.

"Aight , text me the address and i'll meet y'all there" I told them as me and jay got into our uber to my apartment.

when we arrived the text from dri came through telling me the hospital Durk was at .

"Want me to come with you ?" Jay asked

"Nah i'm good" I said .

"You sure , I ca" I cut him off

"Jay you don't wanna come to no damn hospital , stay here" I told him . He told me he hates the hospital I dunno why he would wanna come , so he can just be miserable ? no thanks .

I took a shower and I was throwing on some tights and my black and white vans with my white wife beater and leather jacket .

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