f o u r .

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Today I was getting my paycheck , I couldn't wait to go to the mall . Question was how am I gonna get there .

"Thank you so much Heaven" I smiled giving her a hug.

My paycheck read $800 but I was confused cause I only worked one day answering phones and my check shouldn't be this high .

"Ms you really didn't have to" she cut me off

"But I wanted to" she said . I just smiled at her niceness

"Thank you so much" I said

"No problem" she said

I had $800 I was going to spend $400 and save the other $400 cause I can't bet every week she's gonna give me this much . Which is why I'm gonna apply to a job at the mall today .

"I'm gonna go take the bus to the bank , I need to make an account and cash this" I said

"Bus ? Girl no come on I'm going to the mall after to I can take you" one of the workers said . She was really pretty and her name tag said Brianna.

"That's so nice of you thanks" I said

Someone scoffed and I turned and seen Trina scoffing. What's the beef sis?

"The fuck your scoffing for" Brianna asked

"Y'all acting like this girl can't take the bus y'all all up onner" Trina said

I stood there wondering what this girl problem with me was . I've been through too much and didn't have time for her starting anything with me .

"Ion have time for this , I have too much going on" I said walking out of the restaurant.

I just stood outside waiting for Brianna to come out . Once she came out she led me to her car , an all black Jeep Wrangler.

Getting in she started the car and turned the radio up .

"Lemme properly introduce myself I'm Brianna , I'm 19 years old well , just turned 19 and I have 2 jobs  , I'm from Atlanta and yah." She said

"My name is Grace , I was born and raised here I'm 18 and yea" I said quietly

"You don't gotta tell me anything, if you need to talk I'm here for you" she said .

||at mall||

Once we walked in the mall , Brianna bring me straight to T mobile in the mall.

"Ion need a phone , that'll spend my whole check" I said

"Look I'm willing to help you , I'll buy your phone and you don't gotta pay me back" she said .

"I've been sayin thank you so much Ion even know what to say" I said .

She laughed and smiled

"Which phone you want , you can be on my plan with me we can go half and half every month" she said

"Okay that's great , how about the one you have" I said .

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