t h i r t e e n.

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I'm sorry I didn't proof read guys .. but thanks for 1k❤️. Enjoy!

I was on my way to pick up Grace and drop her off at the restaurant her and her dad was meeting at then head to Draco's house .

I texted her saying I'm outside & shut my phone .

Once I seen her walking outside I stared too long , I leaned over and opened the door for her .

"Thanks" she said as she got inside

"You look cute" I said

"You sure ? Because I didn't know what shoes to wear and" she went rambling on

"I'm sure , Your dad is going to love you no matter what you have on"

"Your right I'm just so nervous" she said

"You work at the mall tomorrow right?" I said

"Yeah" she said .

As we pulled up to the restaurant she looked at me with tears in her eyes .

"It's okay , you got this" I said .

"Come lemme take your picture right here" I said as I parked .

She got out and fixed her hair and posed , I snapped about 3 .

She looked them over and smiled at just this one

"I love it thank you" she said

"Post?" I asked

                              "Duh" she said .

Liked by thereal

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Liked by thereal.don and 36,616 others
6race hit my line 🙄💕.
View all 2,304 comments
Ybnjay aigh bet now hit me back 😩.
6race 🤫😏.

"Go inside and stop flirting in ya comments" I said

"Wish me luck" she said putting her phone down and walking in the restaurant as I drove off .

I was headed to Draco's house , he told me he had Something to tell me .

After I pulled up to Draco's house I did my special knock.

Opening the door was Brianna , she let me "hay don" she said locking the door after I walked in.

"Wassup" I said

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