One Wrong Turn on Bourbon (part 2)

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(The Originals 5x02)

That morning, I wake up early even though I went to bed really late. I know that if I'm going to find Klaus it's going to take all day, so I shake Hope awake. She mutters from in her pillow, "Yah?"

"Someone came to me last night," I say.

She immediately sits up. I know she would want to hear this because she always asks me what and who I see. Hope asks, "Who was it? Who are they looking for?"

"She was looking for you," I reply.

"Oh," Hope says confused. "Who was it?"

"She says that she knew you when you were a baby, but she died when you were younger. But you would recognize her name, it's Cami."

"Yah," Hope says, "My mom told me stories about her, and how she took care of me when my mom couldn't." I nod, and Hope asks, "What did she say?"

"She wanted you to know that your father would cherish you if he could, but she knows him. And since he can't give you his full love, he thinks it's easier for you not to know him at all. But she does think that he should at least call you, though so don't judge her," I add defensively on her behalf.

Hope nods, but I can tell she just wants to roll her eyes. I then say, "I'm going to get ready, you can go back to sleep."

"What are you doing up so early?" Hope asks suspicion clear in her voice, knowing this never happens unless I have something to do.

I easily lie through my teeth, "You know me 'early bird gets the worm' and all, plus I have a lot of homework."

Hope just laughs and rolls her eyes, "Of course, coming from the girl that doesn't know how to take a break." I fake the best smile I can and roll my eyes laughing.

As I close the door behind me walking to my room, I feel bad for lying to her. But I know that this is the best for her because she'd follow me if she knew what I was doing. I get dressed, and I put the protection spell on myself. Remembering Hope telling me about when she was seven, and she saw him kill two people quite brutally. I shake it off, and as quickly as possible I complete the spell. I then track Klaus, and I see that he's on Bourbon St right now. I quickly make my way down the stairs, as quietly as possible. I then slip past the gate, and out to the street. I look up and down. I then see the blonde haired man I saw in France, and I sprint towards him. As I get up to him, I quickly tap his shoulder. I then remember that I have no idea what I'm going to say to him, and I start to internally panic.

He says with venom practically dripping in his voice, "What?" When he turns to see me, I can see the confusion in his face.

"Um...m-my name is Alex. I'm friends with Hope, your daughter," I say. "And, um..."

"Spit it out, sweetheart. I haven't got all day," he says, this time with a little less venom.

I smile, "You may not believe me, but I talked with a woman named Cami O'Connell on the Otherside, she wanted to tell you something." I'm then suddenly pushed against the wall of the nearest alley, Klaus's hand strangling my neck. I choke out, "Cami told me you would try to kill me. She says you should give your daughter a call..." I struggle for air, and then I feel my body drop to the ground. I start to cough, trying to get air in and out at the same time. I then hear him say, "I'm sorry, what?"

I put my hands up in the air, saying, "And from Hope's friend's view, Hope just wants to talk to you. I have had to comfort her crying over not knowing you too many times, but it's your choice," I finish.

He nods and then disappears. I roll my eyes, before walking back out the alleyway trying to figure out where I actually am. It took me 15 minutes of wandering a couple blocks to get back to the Compound because my dumbass didn't bring my phone.

When I get back into the Compound, I go straight up to my room. As I close my door, I hear Klaus's voice ring out through the house yelling, "Hope!" I quickly open it back up to see him walk into the sitting area on the second floor. I know I shouldn't eavesdrop, but sue me I'm nosy. I hear him say, as I get right outside the door, "Please tell me it isn't true. What have you done with your mother?"

My eyes widen, and I then hear them getting heated, and I decide I should stop listening. But then it gets really quiet, and I listen in, I hear Klaus mutter, "She's at Saint Ann's Church." I then suddenly jump out of my bed, and I run out my bedroom door. I run down the stairs. I try to open the gate, but it's sealed shut by a spell. I quickly siphon it, so I can get by and it goes back up behind me. I remember to bring my phone this time, and I search up directions to the church. As I fast walk through the crowded streets, and I push past people. I can feel my heart pounding inside my body. I think that it would have definitely been faster if I had just flagged a cab, but I keep walking.

I finally arrive after speed walking for 10 minutes straight, I look up at the large right white church that stood out from the brick buildings surrounding it. I quickly make my way inside, to the large monastery I look around and see nothing, but suddenly the strong scent of blood reaches my nose. I sprint to the back of the church and up flights of stairs to get to the attic. I push open the first door on the right and slam it shut behind me. Inside I see a coffin completely blown open and blood and fur everywhere. There are claw marks in the fabric and pillows, still wet blood and some stained in the side of the coffin. Where there are claw marks, there is fur. And the only thing I can think is how few ways a person would get out of this alive. I stand there in front of the coffin paralyzed, not knowing what to do. I don't know how long I stay like that until I hear voices coming up that stairs. I then hear the door open, and I spin around to see Klaus and Freya. As I fight a tear from falling down my face, Klaus yells at me, "What did you do with Hayley!"

All I can get out is, "She-she's gone, I-I don't know what happened."

"What did you do with her!" Klaus yells again, stepping closer to me. I step back a little into the coffin.

Freya steps in front of Klaus, and says, "Klaus she's only a kid, Hayley's her aunt, she wouldn't do anything to her." I turn to Freya, and she brings me into a hug. I break down crying on her shoulder.


(word count 1245)

this isn't one of my best chapters. it's sort of a filler, but the next couple of chapters are going to start to get more interesting because it's getting farther into the season.


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