One Wrong Turn on Bourbon (part 3)

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(The Originals 5x02)

On the way back from the church, I start to think. I realize that all the blood doesn't mean Hayley is dead, she is a hybrid of course. There is a high possibility that she just needs to be found, and that means she might be in danger. And I know that I will be no help if I'm a sobbing mess, so I decided that if I'm going to help find her, crying wouldn't help anybody—especially me. As I walk into the Compound, I wipe the excess tears from under my eyes trying to mask them, yet I know that the puffiness under my eyes would give it away anyway. As I enter, I see Keelin get up from one of the chairs in the courtyard. She sees me and immediately knows something's wrong. She asks Freya, "What happened?"

I mutter as I go by, "Hayley's gone."

Keelin's eyes go wide, and I walk by her and up the stairs. I pass by Hope's room, to make it to mine. As a go by the door, I hear sniffling inside. I know that Klaus must have told her, and I stop to check on her. I push the door open slightly, and I knock quietly. I don't wait for her to respond, as I see her crying on the ground. Her face is almost as puffing as mine, but her's have tear stains running down her face. I walk up to her kneeling on the ground, and I engulf her in a hug. I whisper, "It's going to be ok."

I can feel her shaking her head, and I hear her muffled voice, "Nothings going to be ok, and it's all my fault—it's all my fault."

I pull her out in front of me, so we're looking eye to eye. I say, "None of this is your fault, ok." Before she can respond I pull her back into a hug. I start to whisper, "Shhh, it's going to be ok." I rub circles on her back, trying to help her calm down.


After I make sure Hope is ok as she can be, she tells me that we are going back to school because it's safer for us there. I agree completely, so we both get to packing. I, of course, could just through all my clothes into my duffle and was all set, but getting my books back into my bag was a different story. Two of them are in my room, ones in Hope's room, three of my mother's grimoires are in the downstairs living room, and my two notebooks/grimoires are in the courtyard on the coffee table. I was able to pack everything up pretty quickly, before I got a text from Hope, "Meet me outside the house, near a light blue sports car, it's our ride back."

I quickly type back, "ok."

As I walk out of the Compound, I start to look through the accumulating texts from Lizzie, Josie, and Penelope. I got three from Penelope asking why I wasn't in class and where I am. Most of them from Lizzie asking what's going on and how she wants to be in the loop about why students are going to New Orleans. I got two from Josie telling me what the homework was from all my classes I shared with her and asking me how I was. I turn off my phone, knowing I could text them back on the ride home. I look slightly up to see the light blue sports car. I then hear Hopes voice that grabs my attention, "Alex."

I look up to see, Hope and the last person I want to see right now. I roll my eyes, and ask with the most annoyed voice I can, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Oh, god," I hear Roman mutter. I roll my eyes again because he's one of those people where if they breathe you want to kill them...maybe that's just me.

Hope asks confused, "Do you two know each other?"

Completely ignoring the question, I ask with complete disgust, "Is he our ride back to school?"

Hope nods, and asks with a confused expression, "Is that going to be a problem?"

Roman shakes his head no, while I yell, "Hell yah! There is no way I am going to sit in the same car as him for 11 hours straight, there's just no way! I would rather hitchhike and die, twice." You see last year when Roman was vamp speeding around the campus, he hit me going down the stairs. I, having no sense of balance, fell a whole flight. I ended up breaking both my arms trying to catch myself. Even though my bones break every time I turn, doesn't mean I want them broken any other time. So naturally, I haven't forgiven him, and made his life a living hell, by putting stink bombs in his room or put a spell on him to make him unable to move.

I hold my glare at him, and I can tell Hope is still confused. But suddenly, all our attention get pulled to the street corner, from a woman screaming. The three of us run towards the direction of the sound. I hear a man say, "Someone get some help. Somebody help him! Someone call 911." We follow the small crowds gaze upwards to the corner buildings second-floor balcony. There is Henry, hanging from a rope, with a hole where his hearts suppose to be. I gasp in shock at the sight.

I hear Hope behind me, just as shocked mutter, "Oh my god. Henry."

I mutter to myself, "I just had to mention death."

After seeing Henry's body I got in Roman's car no complaints, I just know I need to get out of New Orleans. On the whole drive back I had my earbuds in and I was either texting Lizzie, Josie, Penelope, or giving Freya updates letting her know we aren't dead. Finally, for what seemed like a millennial, we got back to school.

I got out of the backseat of the car so fast, because I thought I was going to throw up either from the car ride or being in the same proximity as Roman for so long. I went up to my room, and immediately after my head hit the pillow I was out cold. 


(word count 1046)

hey, sorry for the late chapter, hope you liked it!


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