3: Dinner At The Andrews's

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Chapter 3: Dinner At The Andrews's

"Mom! Where's my tie?!" Her son yelled from the top of the staircase.

Alice stops chopping and starts heading over to the living room where she finds her son standing looking frazzled.

"Arch, did you look in the laundry room?" She questions him as she stands there with her hands on her hips and her lips pucked with a red shade.

"It's not there!" Archie yelled from the laundry room. Alice lets out a heavy groan before she goes to help her son find his damn tie.

Dinner was supposed to be done at five but since she had to stop cooking. Now dinner will be a little later than she anticipated. She didn't like running late. She always felt like she had to spend the time catching up. She hoped Fred wouldn't mind waiting a little longer than he would have to normally wait.

After she helped her son find his tie, she heads back upstairs to finish preparing tonight's dinner. When she finished the peach cobbler, she spots her daughter sitting at the bar.

"Mom, Jug should be on his way." Her heart fluttered when she heard that her daughter's boyfriend was on his way.

She smiles at her," I'm almost done." She pauses for a second and then looks back at her daughter." Can you set the table for me?" Her daughter nods her head and leaves the room.

A few seconds later, the doorbell dings, causing Alice to set down her open mits and head to the front door. She opens the door, revealing Jughead Jones. He looked so much like his father. She welcomes him in and her daughter kisses the boy's cheek.

"Jughead, where's your father?" Jughead slowly swallows his food in his mouth and sighs.

"Oh he had work."

Alice was sorta bummed but also understood. Fred entered the kitchen to find his wife and two kids sitting at the dining room table. Betty kisses her father's cheek and placed a pitcher of juice on the table.

"Oh... Jug your dad didn't come." He said a little disappointed and also curious.

He noticed that FP stopped coming around after him and Alice got together. He always wondered if it had to do with their relationship. 

"He had work and gave me a lecture about money." Jughead said with an amused snort.

Fred rolled his eyes at the boy and Alice just laughed slightly. That boy had a lot to learn. Alice grew up with no money at all and now look where she is. She's in a happy marriage and a lovely family. Jughead watched Mrs. Andrews and Mr. Andrews and noticed that they were happy.

He wasn't sure what was the last time he was happy like that. Archie talked about his parents all the time. All the fun family vacations and holidays. Ever since his mom left. His dad wasn't the same.

Honestly he couldn't remember a time his father had a smile on his face. If only he had a family like the Andrews's.

A sudden knock caused everyone in the room to shift and look toward the door. Alice wasn't expecting anybody else. She carefully got out of her seat and kissed Fred's cheek gingerly. She walked up to the door and pulled the knob.

"You came after all."

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