16: Threat To Sanity

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Chapter 16: Threat To Sanity

The youngest Jones kept many secrets, but nothing was as cruel as this. She explained to her local sheriff about how she received a letter entailing that they were going to ruin her family. Tom wrote down each detail, nothing was too big or small at this point in the investigation.

"I swear three days before the shooting, I-I... received that note. I didn't really believe it. At first I thought it was a prank from my dumb friends back in Toledo. But... when I got the call from my dad about Juggie... I didn't know what to think. When I tried to open my mouth... I got another note saying that if I did tell you or my father.... Jughead would die. And they would make sure of it! I was terrified and then more threats came. I swear that I would never hurt my brother.... I was just trying to protect him. Jughead found out that I got threats just h-h-hours before...." She couldn't finish her sentence.

It was just hours before he was last seen. The gnawing feeling hadn't gone away since her father called Keller. She didn't want to go home - not without her brother.

When she got home, she would find her dad hunched over in a chair with anxiety written into his eyes and heart. Alice decided to spend the night, making FP didn't kill himself by worrying. She went straight to her room, threw her body onto the bed and sobbed into a pillow that blocked sounds from escaping her mouth.

"FP?" Her voice shifted his focus off the wall and over to Alice's kind concerned eyes. "Are you okay?" He shakes his head. She walks over to him and sits next to him. He could feel himself falling apart and buried his head into her comforting arms.

A few minutes later, Alice rubbed his back and whispered," FP, let's get to bed." He numbly nods back and slowly moves upstairs.


With a groan, his eyesight awakens to a new setting and he couldn't believe it. The first thing he remembered was he was trying to leave the auditorium and then the next it was all blank. He blinked his eyes before he started to freak out. Where was he? He moved his arm and a searing pain ripples through him. Betty? Did she make it out? Another thought popped into his head like a light bub. "Help!" He screamed.

"Ah, he's awake." The voice cooed.

He turned his head and his heart started to beat rapidly against his chest. "What do you want from me?" He finds himself asking.

"Jughead, what do I want from you? If you haven't figured it out yet - then I guess you aren't as smart as I thought." The message grew more clear as he figured it out.

"You're the Black Hood." The figure in the black ski mask laughed.

"Good, you finally finished the game."
Jughead felt a chill run down his back.

He noticed something as The Black Hood spoke to him. He finally knew what was going on. "Take off your mask!" He growled.

The Black Hood cackled." Oh, you're just dying to know, Jones. I bet you will regret your decision." Jughead shook his head.

"Take it off!" He growled furiously again. "Take the damn mask off NOW!"

"As you wish, Sire." The mask figure replied and then slowly removed the mask.


Who is behind the mask? You'll find out soon! Who do you think is the Black Hood?

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