19: Discover The Villan

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Chapter 19: Discover The Villan

The day after FP gave his lead, Tom got to work again. Something wasn't right about how they found Jughead's body. There was no conclusion on what happened. The DNA came back as his and neither FP or Tom questioned it. The more time had passed caused a new idea to burst out. Penny. Could this be trusted? Tom had dealt with Penny Peabody since they were in high school. Even dated her for a short period of time before he'd learned she was too much for him to handle. Also Penny has had a disliking for Jughead. She could be working for Gladys for all they know.

He led his police dogs through the thick wooded area. This was the last known location of Jughead Jones. Him and FP faced another long night as the dogs sniffed. Lucky, the German Shepherd barked loudly, grabbing his and FP's attention. "What did you find?" He heard FP's voice gavel at the dog.

Lucky sniffed again and started digging her paws into the dirt. Tom flashed the light over where the dog started digging. The other dog came to a stop at the same spot. After a certain portion was dug, the dogs barked aggressively. FP watched the dog with all hope. He hoped that this was some clue to finding his son. He missed him so much. Gladys had messed with the wrong Jones and she was going to learn the hard way.

"Keller, is that a...?" He started to say something when he noticed some sorta handle.

"Yes, it's a bunker." The sheriff finished.


Loud voices became a reality. Jughead knew that his 'mother' would never let him go. He leaned against the metal railing, internally groaning in pain. The Black Hood's last beating caused him to bleed. His stomach clenched every time he tried to shift his body. It had been a week since he was taken. He went to a musical and now he was the captive. Sometimes life doesn't pan out like it's supposed to.

"We gotta go!" Gladys snapped out of nowhere. She tugged on his arm tightly. He winced at the grip and could see the rage in his mother's eyes.

"No." Her eyes flicker with rage. "No? I don't think so. We. Are. Leaving. Now!" Each word came out with disgust.

Jughead shook his head in disbelief." I said NO! I will not be leaving!" He spat in her face.

Gladys glared and then dropped her hands from his his arms. "Fine. Then I guess I have no choice." Jughead flinched when he saw the gun appear in front of him.

A loud bang causes both Gladys and Jughead to stop. She still kept the gun trained on him. Jughead's body begins to shiver in fear.

"HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!" The loud forceful voice demands.

Jughead watched as two black shadows seem to move closer. It wasn't until Gladys' gun was against his temple that Jughead figured who they were. "D-D-D-Dad....?" His eyes filled with tears.

Tom Keller tried his best to detain the threat. And in this situation the threat was Gladys. He heard FP's gasp when the boy call for him. The fire in Gladys' eyes didn't distinguish. "Gladys, put the gun down."

Gladys smirks as she saw FP and clicks the safety off on the gun. "No. I don't think I will." Tom watched the refusal with careful eyes. He knew if one thing happened wrong, Jughead would be done for. He could feel the father next to him cringe at the action.

FP's eyes couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. There was a gun to his baby's head. A deadly weapon that could kill his baby boy. His heart raced against his chest as adrenaline flowed through his veins. He slowly took a step forward." Step back or I'll pull the trigger, darling."

"Dad... just do what she says." He hears his son's scared voice and slowly backs away.

"Good choice." Gladys said. She slowly pulled the pistol away from her son's head. She stops when she felt a bit of hope coming off of FP's body. "This is what you've done, FP. You caused me to become this way. I was so in-love with you. But no you had to be with miss perfect Alice. I loved you!" He flinched briefly as her eyes stare at him.

"No. I didn't make you this way, that was all you, Gladys." He said as his eyes stayed on his son the whole time.

Gladys snarled." I guess you've made your decision."

Everything happens too quickly for anything to done. There was a BANG and everything went dark. "NOOOO!" Someone shouted.

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