5: Crashed

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Chapter 5: Crashed

At ten the next morning, Alice awoke by the sound of her phone buzzing loudly beside her nightstand. She groggily extended her arm across her and Fred's king mattress.

"Hello?" Her groggy voice muttered.


Alice immediately sits up in bed with widened eyes. "Betty? What's wrong?"

She heard a sniffle, a pit started forming in her throat and stomach. It tightens again when there was a sharp inhale.

"Mom... Dad's been shot."

Alice's heart stopped," What?" Her voice cracked. "He's been what?!"

Jughead heard echos from the bathroom and came racing out, just in time to see.... A man in a black hood holding a gun. Before he knew what was happening, he was thrown out of the way and the next thing he knew was cries.

"Dad!" Betty cried. Jughead looked around and saw a gun against Archie's temple and shudders float over his chest. "Please just take the money!" His girlfriend's broken hoarse voice broke his heart.

The man didn't speak, only plucked the wallet from Fred's pocket and removed the gun from Archie's temple and then there was a ding. 

But as soon as they thought the coast was clear, there happened to be another bang. Betty and Archie sucked for cover. Pop state dialed 911 after the final round escaped the revolver.

"Oh My God!"


After FP taken him and Jughead back home from dinner at Alice and Fred's. He slept all night. That was until his phone rang. And then he almost threw up.

"Is this Forsythe Pendleton Jr?"

The groggy tone almost slipped through his tired lips. "Yes this is."

"We've been informed that your son has been shot, Mr. Jones."

Wait? No, no! This can't be. There's no way his son was shot.

"Excuse me," He said quickly sitting up" did you just say my son has been shot?" He brings to sound frantic.

"Yes, Mr. Jones, Forsythe Pendleton 3rd has been shot. He's in surgery right now. Y—"

He bursted out of bed, barely slipping on his shoes and racing out of the trailer park. He fought the tears from escaping his eyes. His son was okay. This is just a nightmare Jones, he told himself.

When he arrived at the front desk, he quickly mentioned his son's name and was told to wait in the waiting room. He paced the halls before he finally gave in and headed toward the waiting area.

He looked in the waiting room and saw Alice. Her eyes were puffy and she was sobbing into her hands. "Al?" She looked up and nearly fell into his arms.

She wiped her eyes with her sleeve and sniffled," Oh, FP, what are you doing here?"

"Jughead was shot." He said bitterly.

He didn't mean to sound bitter toward her. He wasn't mad at her but he wanted to know what was going on.

"So was Freddie!" She cried.

Instantly his arms were surrounding her. She buried her head into his shoulders. She started sobbing harder as he shushed her quietly. Betty sat in the chair next to them squeezing Archie's hand. Veronica wore a sad expression on her face. Her dad just came home and now Archie's dad has been shot.

"Family Of Forsythe and Fredrick Alan Andrews?" A doctor announced as he came walking up to them.

FP stood up, visibly trying not to fall over. He needed good news. Betty almost started crying again as her brother held her close to him.

"Yes that's us." Alice and FP both blurt out at the same time.

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