CHAPTER 7 - Boredom

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After a quick bathroom break, you slide open the door to your luxurious room and wander into the main living space. It was quiet, awfully quiet and curiosity itched under your skin. You so desperately wanted to break free and explore the facility some more, but you had too much respect for him to rebel. He knew what was best and he did everything for a reason.

You head to the kitchen and find some not so healthy snacks before sinking down onto the grey couch in front of the television. You searched around for a remote, but your search was useless.

"Hey, Grace?" You called out to the AI who was always present in a ghostly manner.

"Yes, (Y/N)?" Her voice was smooth and professional.

"How do you turn this thing on? I can't find a remote anywhere." You continued searching with your eyes when suddenly the loud noise from the TV made you jump slightly.

"Say no more..." The television bleared loudly, and you winced.

"Ah! Turn it down! Turn it down!" Immediately the volume lowered to a level that was more welcoming to your now slightly deaf hearing. You muttered under your breath as you started to eat away at the food before you, setting your feet atop of the coffee table in front of you. What felt like hours passed – even TV couldn't fulfil your growing need for entertainment. Stark had restocked the workshop in the suite for you, but you were not in the mood to "tinker" as such. "I can't believe I'm going to say this." You spoke out into the open air in disbelief.

"And what would that be (Y/N)?" Grace replied instantaneously.

"I actually miss school?! Like how weird is that!" Grace seemed to pause before replying.

"I wouldn't say it is too strange to be feeling that emotion. A school is a place of education and learning where students enjoy their time." You burst out laughing.

"No, no, no...You got that very wrong. How 'bout I educate you." You wiped your watery eyes as you starred back at the television. "A lot of people hate school, mainly for the fact that they're trapped there against their will for the most part of the day. They hate it! I hate it."

"Why would that be?"

"Because you know...young people want to do stuff, they want to go out and have fun – well my version of fun was reading an endless number of textbooks which trust me, like ninety-nine per cent of people hate the thought of that. But it's just, I had everything there you know...I had friends, I had a proper life, a normal family. And even though I found school boring as hell, because, you know who I am – obvious answer there. I just miss it." A sigh escaped your lips and you commanded the TV to switch off leaving you in an eerie silence.

"Do you not like your life here?" Her voice was quieter and hushed.

"What?!" Your eyebrows raising spontaneously at her question as if it was the most preposterous thing you had ever heard. "No, of course not. I love it and if anything, I missed it way more than I miss school. I have everything here."

"Except what you had back there."

"Yeah..." You trailed off and evaded your eyes from the scenery. "Yeah..." Sensing your sadness Grace's calculations ran at a million miles an hour as she tried to come up with a possible solution.

"Mr Stark might let you go back to school. It wouldn't be the same, but it would still be better than doing nothing."

"No." You were in defeat, hopeless. "He'd never let me go, especially after New York. That's when everything changed. Anyway, I'd just have to pretend to be dumb and ignorant again. I'm sick of pretending to be stupid, I want to be who I am."

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