CHAPTER 16 - Behind his back

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Far out, another long one but more interesting. 3300 words. Also sorry if you have POV changes, sometimes its just convienant 


Your POV, 2ndPerson

"Anyway, class is starting soon." Peter patted down his shirt straightening it out.

"Oh, what class do you have?"

"You mean we?" He said cheekily. "Remember, you said all our classes were together."

"Yeah...I did say that. Okay, so...What class do wehave?" You corrected yourself.

"Gym class."

"Great."You rolled your eyes. "You know in Australian high schools you don't have to do PE after year ten." Peter looked at you in the most confused stare you had ever seen. "You want me to translate?" You sat your hands proudly on your hips.

"Y-Yeah." You chuckled before continuing.

"In Australian high schools, we don't have to do Gym classes after sophomore...wait." Now you were confused. "Uh, this might need a bit more explaining. So, in Australia we start school earlier and finish in year twelve which I guess is your senior year. You know what, I'm not even sure if you have something equivalent to year twelve, maybe. I think your senior year is out second last year." You narrowed your eyebrows. Never had you been so baffled by something.

"You seem as confused as me."

"Yeah, you got that right. I have no fucking clue what's going on right now. To be honest, I'm not running on much sleep. I feel like everyone is herebut I'm not quite here."

"I-I can tell." He laughed at you before you shot him a death stare, quickly shutting him up. "O-o-okay, easy."

"Just teasing you." You punched his shoulder playfully. "Look, just work with me here. Summary: near the end of high school we don't need to do physical stuff anymore."

"You know what, I think that's as close as you're gonna get at explaining it."

"Me too." The two of you beamed at each other enjoying the slightly dumb moment before the bell rung its metallic sound signalling the start of the second day of school. You didn't exactly know how to feel with Peter knowing that you were aninternfor Mr. Stark, but it was better than the alternative. Plus, after your father's little stunt yesterday you weren't so surprised. "Then I guess we should be getting to PE."

"You mean gym class?" Peter said with a slight smirk teasing you. Watch it, play nice.

"Shut up, you know very well what I mean." Any other person would have been annoyed at the tone you snapped back with, but not Peter. He took humour from it and produced a hidden smile. He seemed to be finding himself doing that a lot lately, smiling. You rolled your eyes at him and took off down the hall with Peter close behind. You didn't need a map, you didn't need anyone to show you around. Luckily for you being a Stark helped you greatly with being able to remember things, especially layouts of rooms and buildings. So, when you walked towards the gym leading the way, Peter wasn't all too surprised, especially with you being Mr. Starks "intern".

Class wasn't all too exciting, you sat squished on the stands on the hall awaiting the teacher's arrival. The other students chattered around you, some oblivious to your presence others whispering things about you to one another. It annoyed you, all the gossip that was already being passed around. Some true but most lies. You only hoped that Peter wouldn't spill your secret and you couldn't quite figure out why you father taken so quickly to trusting Peter without having ever met let alone spoke to him, well, not to your knowledge at least. One way or another, you would certainly start your own little investigation to the growing mystery. But the thought sat uncomfortably in the pit of your stomach, you never wanted to go behind his back...not again.

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