CHAPTER 17 - The stark internship

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You shook your head, breaking your attention away from the memory as the hall was pierced with the squeaking of rusty wheels. The whole class starred at the commotion as the television on an old stand came to a stop in front of them. The teacher dusted his hands off on his pants before addressing the class. You tugged at your school branded sports shirt that was more than mildly uncomfortable.

"Class, as it is school policy..." He said rather tiredly. "Today we'll be doing the Captain America challenge...again." He switched the screen on muttering something quietly to himself until an image of Captain America flashed across the screen. Your eyes instantly narrowing in annoyance. You didn't like him, not one bit. To you, he was the man that ended the Avengers, that almost murdered your father, but they were only stories that you had heard. He hadn't told you the entire truth, the only scope you ever got on it was off news reels and online reports. Nothing more.

Ned and Peter whispered to each other rather excitedly as all the other students groaned from the thought of doing it again apparently. The Cap's voice echoed out around the hall as the screen faded to black with his classic salute. "Pretty sure this guy's a war criminal now, but whatever. C'mon get out here."

You sat away from the others and tapped your fingers impatiently on your cheek as you sat back on the stands awaiting your turn. Currently, all the other students were in the process of sit-ups except they ran out of mats for the hard-wooden floor, so you sat alone on the far side of the room. Except you weren't really alone, about ten meters in front of you kneeled Ned who was holding down Peter as he went through the routine. From what it looked like, Ned was grilling him with questions, you only wished you could listen in. Not because you were nosy per say, but rather so you could make sure that he kept your secret. You still wondered why you dad was so quick to trust people as he wasn't the kind of person to trust someone so easily. That, you had experienced first-hand. But that was a story for another time. You leant the weight of your head in your palm as you contemplated whether you should ask your dad about it.

"Hey." Three figures crossed your vision, blocking the sight of your two friends. "Look, I...I'm sorry about yesterday." Stacy, along with her friends Nina and Gwen.

"Oh?" You questioned crossing your arms protectively across your chest. "That must have been very hard to say."

"I'm being serious. I amsorry." You looked with pity up at the girl before sighing and standing to meet her level. Sure, you are...

"Fine, I'm sorry too." She gazed at you with a confused expression riddled across her face.

"Sorry...for what?"

"Oh uh..." You weren't really thinking when you spoke the first time. "Sorry...Sorry for being harsh yesterday." You apologised but more of a question.

"Oh, ok. Well, it's fine. I'm sure we just got off on the wrong foot." Oh my god, why is this girl so hard to read. One minute she's all mean and shit and the next minute she's not. To bitch or not to bitch. Or maybe she's just kinda dumb...but she goes here so maybe it was possible connection...I have no clue. Way to go Stark. "Can we sit?"

"Sure." You flashed a tailored fake smile. You shifted over ever so slightly to make room for Stacy who seemed to insist on sitting next to you. Nina and Gwen flicked their hair so it sprayed wildly into the air before lading to rest on their shoulders. A grimace pursed between your lips as the three of them let out an exasperated sigh at the same time. Okay...weird...

"So, (Y/N). What brings you to Midtown Tech?" Gwen looked behind her to glance up at you. Great, just the kind of totally non-invasive question I'm looking to be asked today. Unlike Peter you were certainty not going to tell them anythingof the sorts.

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