CHAPTER 29 - Calm Before The Storm

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IMPORTANT: I just realised that in the first chapters it was Emily who walked out pissed. IT WAS MEANT TO BE JOSIE SO I APPOLOGISE. I will be fixing this issue in the early chapter so if you see that updated that's why.

Okay, enjoy. There is a big storm coming...

Also 2K wtf I love yall so much!


Kicking your feet back and forth as you sat on the side of your bed, you stared out the window thoughtfully. Your father and Pepper had gone up to the Avengers Compound upstate for the weekend leaving you to drown in your own self-inflicted anger. You couldn't believe that you almost told Peter who you actually were and for that, you were beating yourself up about it.

"I'm such an idiot." You groaned out loud to yourself in the big silent space of your bedroom. You had tried to distract yourself all morning but Stark's had the tendency to be self-destructive and you were certainly not an anomaly when it came to that.

You kept thinking about what could've happened, running every scenario though your mind. Would he be mad that you had lied to him? Would he be excited because you were his mentor's daughter. More importantly, what would've your father thought of the situation. Tony Stark didn't have many rules but there were some that you knew better than to break. He himself was a rule breaker, but apparently that was no excuse. You could just imagine his face if you told someone who you were, and it was not good. Not only for you but also for him.

Finally growing tired of moaning and moping about, you pushed yourself up and staggered over to the door. You pushed the slightly ajar door open with one hand and lean on the railing of the walkway outside your room. Taking a deep breath in you gaze down at the open space below. There really wasn't much to do around the tower, any school work you had was already done and nothing else really peaked your interest, but you'd find something to do...eventually.

But that's when you saw it, a blur of red and blue swinging around the building. Knitting your eyebrows together, you begin moving away from the railing and down the stairs.

"What?" You mumble to yourself. The blurry mash of colours had already gone in an instant but that didn't stop you from taking a closer look.

Peter usually stuck to Brooklyn and Queens, but today he wanted to check up on a friend he had the pleasure of having dinner with last night. He swung through the jungle of concrete enjoying the morning breeze. Frankly, it was quite a long way for where he wanted to go, but that didn't stop him. He spent the morning stopping crimes by petty criminals and occasionally helping old ladies out.

Eventually, he made it to the upper east side where a particular building stood tall and proud over New York. He stopped on the side of a glass paned building and took the opportunity to stare upwards at the tower.

"That's really tall." He said to himself, his only audience being the pigeons that flew by. Surprisingly enough, Peter wasn't all too comfortable with heights but he was slowly overcoming his fear. And having reinstalled his parachute, the fear was dwindling even more. And it wasn't exactly the same danger of clinging onto the outside of a plane – which he had done before. With a sigh he stuck out an arm and aimed it in front of him, the web sticking to the side of the Stark Tower he began his journey up.

He swung around the top of the building trying to get a peak of where the living space might be. He felt guilty for intruding on your personal space but he knew how much Spider-Man meant to you, even if he didn't understand why. You were protecting him from the internet finding out his identity, and for that he was thankful. The least he could do was acknowledge what you were doing in some shape or form.

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