CHAPTER 33 - Sob Stories

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PLEASE READ: I'm really not sure if I want to make this story into a Peter Parker x Reader or just leave it as it is. I really need your opinions on this! You'll also see that I have left the option in this chapter to turn into something more but I'd love your feedback.

p.s. sorry I disappeared I had exams! (Also I have seen FFH but don't spoil it for others please!)


Your eyes began to open slowly, a blurry haze gracing your vision as you woke from much-needed sleep. Blinking a couple of times, you spotted a figure as you rolled your head ever so slightly. Slumped over and back heaving gently up and down with each breath, sunglass hanging loosely from his shirt. His arms folded on the side of the bed creating a makeshift pillow.

"Dad?" You called out gently. It didn't take much to wake him, after all, he was a light sleeper. He began to move slowly with a long groan until his eyes met yours.

"Morning are you feeling?" You moved your shoulders in a slight shrug.

"A lot better."

"You sure about that?" He said with a slightly mischievous smile as he placed a hand on your forehead. "Burning up, got a fever?"

"Dad." You chuckled.

"Might have to stick you in a freezer. Get some liquid nitrogen-" You cut him off with a laugh.

"Dad, I can assure you I'm fine." He crossed his arms over his chest as you shot him a reassuring smile. You look around momentarily trying to grasp a glimpse out the window. "Is...Peter coming back today?" You asked hesitantly. Tony grimaced for a moment before responding.

"I think I can vaguely remember him saying something about asking if he could swing by..."

"So that's a yes?" Tony nodded slowly.

"Sure." He paused in thought before shifting his weight in the chair. "What is it with you and that kid?"

"Huh?" You mumbled taken aback by the question. "What do you mean?"

"Well for starters." He moved his folded arms to rest back on the bed. He seemed restless today and wasn't able to stop moving nor fidgeting in some way. "You're always hanging around with him, talking about him." His eyes seemed to glimmer with curiosity more than anything. "And always seems to be the first thing you think about without fail. Why is that?"

"I uhm...well..." You trailed off never having ever really thought about it before. "You said it yourself. He's a good kid and I'm just following your example."

"Nice dodge, kid. But in all seriousness, why?" You glanced away from him and stared up at the ceiling.

"I don't know." You sighed gently as you shook your head before looking back at your father. "I really don't know." If anything, it was a realisation of your own ignorance on the matter. "What time is the doctor coming?" Tony twisted his wrist to look at his watch.

"Any minute now."

"Why didn't you call them when I woke up? Isn't that the kind of event where you should be calling them after hours?" Tony shrugged.

"They can wait for you, besides you seemed tired."


"Mr Stark?" Peter called as he exited the elevator. The sun hadn't even risen that high in the sky before he had arrived. After an anxious sleep, he could barely wait to see you again, partly because he wanted to find out something very important.

"Up here Spider-Man." Tony stood on the walkway above him. He gazed up with an eager smile. Peter moved towards the stairs and jogged up them with excitement – although the temptation of using his webs to get up there quicker seemed more appealing, he'd rather be polite, especially in the hospitality of Tony Stark.

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