CHAPTER 1 - Beginnings

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The dark substance gleamed on the white fibre as you wrote down the incorrect answer to the equation before you. Running your fingers through your hair, a gentle sigh left your parched lips. Your eyes wandered from the paper to the whiteboard to the window as you starred off into space lost in deep thought. It wasn't uncommon for you to zone out in the middle of class, there was something always on your mind, something that weighed you down every single moment of your life. A secret that nobody, nobody, must ever know.

"(Y/N)?" A slim and tender hand waved itself in front of your vision but not enough to disturb you form your thoughts. "(Y/N) Stark?" Instantly your attention snapped to your friend that called your true name, though one she must not know.

"What?" The look of dread filled your eyes as your heart palpitated in your chest, your pulse rapidly increasing, your world disintegrating before your very own eyes. No one was meant to know that name. To the world (Y/N) Stark did not exist...should not exist. After being shipped off to the safety of Australia six years ago your mere existence was (Y/N) (L/N). An alias. A life that was gifted to you through tears and heartbreak but one that you did not hold against the man who only wanted to protect you from the dangers of his life...the universe and everything it had to offer, humanity itself. Something so powerful, not even Iron Man himself could shield you from. A snort erupted from Emily, but her face quickly fell as the teacher shot a sideways glance at her quickly silencing her amusement.

"Don't look so shocked, I was just messing around with you. Jesus, what's gotten into you lately?" Emily muttered the last part as she shook her head ever so slightly. Your body shuddered as you let out a small nervous chuckle of relief, quickly wiping the bead of sweat from your forehead.

"Dude why would you say that?" You turned to your friend, spinning and weaving your pen in and out of your fingers, a small habit you had picked up over the past year. Emily shrugged and sank further into the uncomfortable plastic seat beneath her.

"I don't know...I was being sarcastic. You know, Tony Stark, Iron man, genius?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know who he is." You interrupted her quickly, your voice low and conflicted. "What does he have to do with the...joke?"

"Well like, he's smart and all and you got that answer wrong." She leant over your book and tapped the equation with the end of her pencil. "So, I was trying to- "

"I get it." Reluctantly, you forced a smile to reassure your dear friend as she turned her attention back to her work, well rather her phone nestled neatly between the pages. Emily was never one to work but neither were you...well, that's what most thought. Little known to most you were, in fact, the smartest person at your school and one of the smartest in the world. After all, you were a Stark. On your arrival to Australia and your new family set up by Nick Fury himself – one of the few that knew of your existence, Mr Stark had left a little care package – if little meant everything he knew condensed down onto a hard drive to which you had finished going through last year. But you were smart enough to not be smart around others, but you weren't dumb, no, far from it. Your common sense was pitch perfect and your learning was as quick as they came but you took preference in choosing the easiest subjects at school like the lowest maths which often bored you to death. And just like a minute prior, you would make sure to get the answers wrong. All of which was a facade so no one in the slightest could ever suspect who you really were and no one ever would. Tony Stark having a daughter? It was just something that no one assumed about him, and he wanted to keep it that way.

Much to your relief, the metallic ringing of the bell signalled it was time for lunch, only one more class to go. Swiping your things carelessly into your backpack, you scooped it up and slung it over one shoulder and walked by Emily's side towards the familiar faces that you sat with every lunch. Dropping your bag to your side you crossed your arms and leant up against the wall as you looked on to the smiling and laughing faces of the other teenagers that surrounded you. You wished so badly that you could tell someone, open up about everything but it was impossible.

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