CHAPTER 10 - A boy named Peter

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"Good morning (Y/N), the time is six thirty AM and the temperature is currently 64 or 18 degrees Celsius, the high will be 75 or 24 degrees" Grace's voice woke you from your deep slumber, your eyes squinting into the soft morning light. You rolled over and dug your face into the pillow. You appreciated her using Celsius too since you told her that sometimes in the morning your brain wouldn't exactly be functioning that early. "Conditions today will be mild with a forty percent chance of rain this afternoon." You groaned into the pillow.

"Why so early, Grace? Just a few more hours okay?" Your voice muffled by the soft pillow.

"Today is your first day of attending Midtown School of Science and Technology."

"School?" You sunk further in the mattress before suddenly shooting upright. "School!" Not once had you ever woken up happy and early in the morning just to attend school. But now it was different, you would treasure every day of it – well, at least you thought you would. That would have to wait and see.

"You up?" Your father's voice sounded from behind the door. It had never crossed Stark's mind, the idea of waking his own child up in the morning – proceeding to drag them out of bed one way or another and force them to school. It was only now he realised it was something he himself wished he had during his upbringing. But the way his father was, that was never a possibility. Much to his appeal, he found himself moving further away from his father's ways and ideals every day. He was becoming his own person more than ever. This wasn't something he would have time to do every day but today was the exception.

"Mmhm." You hummed as you stood up on two feet, apparently too quickly as a sudden dizziness overcame you and sent you stumbling a step or two. Pushing a hand against the wall your support your weight, you stagger towards the sliding door of the wardrobe. Opening it you laid eyes upon what was now your worst enemy. "Shit...What am I gonna wear?" Back in the land of deadly animals and weather everyone wore the same thing – a uniform no matter how disgusting it looked or how uncomfortable it was. It was the same every morning, no choice was involved. As much as you enjoyed the freedom of wearing your own clothes it now came as a great hurdle to overcome. You moved forwards with more steady balance this time and sorted through the clothes mentally. "Probably just jeans and a shirt or something." You mumble to yourself. "Or maybe..." You weren't even worried about what people thought, you could care less about that. It just seemed to be such a daunting choice with the large variety of items. "He really overdid it, didn't he?" You plant your hands on your hips and nibble at the inside of your cheek.

Eventually finding something after Grace's frequent reminders that you were running out of time you slung your backpack over one shoulder and pushed your way out through the bedroom door to see a tired looking man staring down at you – he hadn't got any sleep...again.

"Looking good kid. Definitely got that 'I'm an approachable and friendly teenager' look going." He said sarcastically as you pass him towards the kitchen.

"Now we both know I'm not friendly orapproachable."

"Exactly what I want."

"Yeah, yeah." You chuckle as you walk past him and take your lunch from the fridge. Pepper had been kind enough to make you lunch the night before. She often was home well after you had gone to sleep. Being CEO of Stark Industries was a tough and tiring job.

It felt strange to be walking through the compound, especially with the eyes of black suits and ties frowning at your confusing presence. You adverted your eyes from them as your father lead you towards the main entrance to which Happy waited by the door for your arrival.

Getting into the car and slamming the door behind you, you let out an exasperated sigh. Now it was time to be debriefed again, and as the trip went on and on and you approached closer to the school he began to talk even more.

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