CHAPTER 13 - A "little" suprise

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Soon enough, the end of the day begun its approach and the bitter sweet ringing of the bell signalled the conclusion of your first day of school. It was, well...interesting. First class managing to get your name spread around the school for showing up a teacher, by lunch making friends and enemies as well as getting uncomfortably close to your identity. You made a mental note that you needed to work on it as you pushed open the door to the outside of the school, Ned and Peter by your side.

"Bye Peter! Bye (Y/N)." Ned waved as he trotted off into the distance. You stood still by Peter's side, your eyes scanning over the cars, none that you recognised until a black Rolls-Royce pulled up in front of you on cue. Peter's heart jumped, the car looked awfully familiar. He wondered if it was for him.

"Well, looks like this is my ride." You readjusted your backpack and slung it over one shoulder, preparing to get in the car. You expected to be alone in the car with Happy so the moment you approached, and the door swung open you were taken aback. But not only you, Peter too as he peered inside the car. Now he wished this was his ride home, except Peter had some 'Friendly Neighbourhood Spider' stuff to take care of first. The words "dad" almost slipped out of your mouth as Tony Stark sat at the other end of the back seat. You starred at him in confusion, why had he come. You shot him a look as if to say, 'what the hell are you doing here, Peter will find out about me.' To which he noticed and responded quietly.

"Don't worry about it." Tony waved it off. "Just get in." Quickly, you looked between Stark and Peter. You saw the look of anticipation in his eyes as his stare fell upon Mr. Stark.

"Later Peter!" You called out to him nervously as you clambered into the car to sit beside Stark. Peter so desperately wanted to say hello, ask when his next mission was but he knew he had to keep his promise to Mr. Stark – act like the two did not know each other.

"See you, (Y/N)." Peter said breathlessly. As you closed the door you didn't catch the wink Tony sent Peter his way. Once the door closed and you had begun your journey away from prying eyes you spoke up.

"What the hell are you doing here dad?"

"That boy, he your friend?" He asked completely oblivious to your question.

"You're not gonna kill him, are you?"

"What." He shook his head. "Of course not. Looks like a...uh..." He thought trying to come up with an excuse as to why he was okay with Peter being your friend. "Looks like a smart kid. What's his name?" He asked though already knowing the answer.

"Peter Parker."

"Nice name, good kid." He muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing...Anyway, got a surprise for you."

"Oh?" A surprise from your father could range from a chocolate bar to a skyscraper. "Should I be worried?" He chuckled.

"No, not at all, why would you say that?" You frowned at him a brow raising questionably, Stark was unpredictable. "Oh, I see the problem now." He said quietly.

The traffic was light that day, the journey towards Manhattan was short and swift – rather why were you going towards the centre of Manhattan when you needed to be upstate.

"Dad why are we here?" You said glancing over at him breaking the silence.

"Just a little surprise that's all?"

"Uh-huh." You nod slowly. "That's what you keep saying."

"Look, what a coincidence, we're here." Turning from him you squinted out the window trying to figure out what he was talking about – until you stared upwards. Gawking out the window at the towering building that loomed fantastically above you.

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