CHAPTER 15 - Keep a secret for me

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NOTE: This chapter is a tad long, I tried to rewrite it where it basically repeats itself but it was a bit too much. So bare with me JUST for this chapter please =) Also I appologise for the POV switch. Pls forgive me


The trip wasn't long since you were closer to the school even though it was in Forest Hills; in-between Brooklyn and Queens. Though city centre; New York traffic in the morning could be frustrating when you were wedged in between yellow taxies honking their horns waiting for the light to change. Fortunately, the light changed from its angry red to a more pleasing green letting you continue to the destination of Midtown Tech. The black and shining Rolls-Royce pulled up to the front of the school, of course eyes trailed to the car, but a smile came to your face as you saw Peter walking up the steps to the front door.

"Now remember..." You cut Happy off quickly as he begun lecturing you.

"Bye Happy!" You scooped up your backpack and sprung from the car onto the pavement, slamming the door behind you as you jogged up the steps to try and catch up with your new friend, you dove a hand down into your pocked and pulled out your father's glasses and slid them on your face. "Peter!" You call out as his hand rests on the handle. He turns in question, trying to find the source of the voice.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)." His face comes to life as you come to a rest by his side. As he was about to push open the door someone brushed his shoulder making him stumble. Flash.

"Watch it Penis Parker." Peter looked down letting the comment wash over his head, you couldn't believe he just let Flash walk all over him like that. Your eyes met, and a battle ensured between you and the bully. He quickly noticed it was you before scampering away as he came to the realisation that it was probably better for him if he promptly removed himself from your presence. Once he had left you spoke to Peter.

"You alright?"

"Of course." A smile broke through but not enough to hide the hurt in his eyes.

"If he keeps this up he'll be answering to me."

"Don't worry about it, he's pretty much harmless."

"Hmm." You cross your arms as he pushed the door open letting you and a few other students inside.

"So about yesterday?" Your heart stops and your hands become clammy. The one thing you did not want him to ask about, then again, Peter wasn't meant to be asking about it either. His curiosity was getting the better of him and frankly he wasn't good at keeping secrets. All except one.

"What about yesterday?" You followed him to his locker asking cluelessly. You leant against the metal as he put in the combination to his.

"Wait, don't you have a locker of your own?" You shake your head.

"Not yet, plus. They're dirty so I'd rather not. You never know who or whathas been in them."

"Fair enough." Phew, thank god I avoided that conversation. "Anyway, as I was saying." Oh, come on!"Yesterday?" You watched on as he took various items out of his bag and into the locker. "You know Tony Stark?" You swallowed uncomfortably and shifted your weight. There was no denying it. Ack, what am I going to do? What am I going to do? Just stay calm and tell him like dad told me to. Mmhm...but should I trust him. All of my logic is telling me to lie but my gut says the opposite. I know Stark's rely on their intellect, remembered back to a lecture your father had given you one time. About being smart, using your intellect to weasel out of situations and fix problems, but he also said that sometimes, you have to trust your instincts, to tell life and death apart, to tell who to trust. And you were getting that trusting feeling all over, consuming you in the pit of your stomach. Okay, okay, here it goes.

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