This Is Me - Part 1 [CHAPTER 30]

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"hold on...just a little while longer..."

"hold on...just a little while longer..."

"hold on...just a little while longer..."

"everything will be alright..."


The next day came quickly and your encounter with the famed Spider-Man was still fresh in your mind. Every time you thought about it, it struck a nerve of excitement. You recounted the meeting over and over, but there was one thing that was wrong. The way he jumped back when you came back into the room. It was something relatively normal to do but something just seemed off about it.

Pushing yourself up off the lounge you retraced his steps until you stopped in front of the small table with the photographs Pepper had put out.

"Shit." Your eyes followed what you remembered to be his eye line. Your heart palpitated as you picked up the photographs in each hand. "No, no, no... This can't be happening, I'm such an idiot!" You cursed to yourself as you stared at the photographs. Placing the images back you ran your flustered fingers through your hair. "Why did I let him in?" You moved away from the smiling faces and began pacing. "So stupid...stupid! No one can know, no one! Dad is going to kill me!" Just as you said that you heard the elevator door slide open and quickly stopped pacing. The look of fear striking your eyes as your father emerged. "Dad, y-you're back already." You chuckled nervously at the tired man.

"Yeah." He sighed. "See you didn't blow the house up so that's a start."

"Hey! I'm trustworthy." But were you, were you really trustworthy. Guilt pooled in the pit of your stomach as you clung onto your arm with a hand.

"Something up?" He raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arms.

"No...Everything is fine."

"Uh-huh, sure." He sighed heavily and started walking towards you. The look on his face telling you instantly that something had happened.

"Dad...What happened?"

"I got news from Fury."

"Good news?" He shook his head slowly.

"They had Josie's location pinpointed but when they busted the place everything was gone. They think she's alive, but suspect that they're coming after you."

"Me...They're coming after me." You look up at him. "But I'll still be safe right? I'm with you."

"Yes, you are with me...that's why there's going to be no more school, no more seeing your friends. You're safer with me...I'm so sorry (Y/N), I really am." Your heart dropped, your eyes glazed over as he spoke. "If I could have it any other way I would...but I can't let them hurt you."

"No..." You whispered, tears threatening to spill over. "Y-You can't take this away from me! It's all I have!" You pleaded.

"(Y/N), I said I'm sorry."

"No! No, you're not!" You weren't one to get angry with your father. Every other time he had done something you had been understanding and sympathetic. But this was the last straw, even with your own life at risk. You couldn't also lose Peter, you couldn't lose him too. "You can't do this to me." You tried to understand his perspective, but your judgement was clouded. He turned away from you and wandered over to the table, placing either hand on each side of the surface. He knew you wouldn't react was one of the things he feared most.

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