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two against too much

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two against too much


COLLIN SCREAMED ON THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS, WHEN A PIXIE-LIKE FIGURE SAT ON HIS BED. "What the fuck, Alice?" the boy yelled, utterly confused to see his imprint here.

"We've moved back..." the vampire mumbled, "and I wanted to see you."

"Y-you're moving back? Why on earth..." the werewolf stumbled over his words, tears of happiness slowly starting to cloud his eyes.

"Because I cannot stay away anymore, neither can Edward," Alice explained tiredly, "being away from you, not knowing if you were okay... I'm never leaving you again, love. It gnaws at me every minute of each day and each night."

Collin said nothing, he just stared at her, incredulously. Was she really here then? Or was he just going crazy like Bella?

The human girl had told him that she hallucinated Edward's presence in certain situations, whenever she was doing something stupid and dangerous with Jacob Black, for example. Was this his moment of lunacy?

That could not be, for Collin was actually in touch with Alice, and they mailed, called, Skyped, as much as possible. He could not go mad just because he felt lonely at the moment... Lilian had been gone for almost a month now, and Bella had disappeared miraculously three days ago – Wait a minute, Collin thought, as the ratchets in his head started to work in the way they should...

"You weren't the reason Bella Swan disappeared from the globe, by any chance, were you?" Collin said suspiciously, as he squinted his eyes a bit. In response, the pixie-like vampire suddenly had a great interest in her shoes, staring at them intensely.

"Maybe," she said, her voice soft from shame.

"Why didn't you at least call me to tell that you were in town?"

"Because," Alice started rattling, "Edward thought Bella was dead, and he wanted dead too... so Edward went to Italy, and so did Bella and I. Edward was about to show himself to the humans – with as consequence that he'd be ripped apart by the Volturi – when Bella stopped him, and now the Volturi – who are not really into the whole 'one specie with another specie thing' – know of Bella's existence, and of yours and Lilian's and they want to meet her and I don't dare to tell Jasper because he's going to freak out!"

Collin tried to follow her story, but found himself lost somewhere at the Volturi, from which he'd never heard anything. The dark-haired boy grabbed Alice's shoulders and gently pushed her towards the bed, gesturing her to sit and calm down...

"Relax, Allie," Collin soothed, "start at the beginning and begin slowly..."

The taxi pulled up the graveled driveway, revealing an incredible house with two floors, a huge swimming pool and a whole lot of balconies!

"Well," the driver, Gabriel, said with a smirk, "you told me you were going to live here, it's a perfect place."

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