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shopping in paris

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shopping in paris



There was this threat in Seattle; someone was probably creating a newborn army (most likely the Volturi, who wanted an excuse to visit Forks). Seattle's civilians were in such a danger, and they couldn't do anything.

'We have to wait for the exact right moment to strike – that is not now,' Alice had told him, when he'd insisted on getting things over with and ripping that army apart. That discussion had been settled a week ago, and right now, the inhabitants of the city, were starting to notice the amount of murders and destructions. They could not wait much longer.

Then, there was Victoria. The redheaded vampire kept making appearances, threatening to near the town or his family. She was out for revenge, that much they all knew – but on who exactly? On Bella? On Edward? Or... on the entire coven?

And last but not least, there was the little tune of worry that was alwaysplaying in his head: Lilian. Why hadn't she returned yet? Was she really that angry at him? Did she have another boyfriend where she lived now? Why hadn't she at least called Collin in the past few weeks? It drove him insane, the fact that he did not know if she was safe or not. He had started to wonder which was better; not knowing there was a mate out there for him or having a mate but not being able to be with her.

"So, how's studying working for Mister Cowboy?" Jessica Stanley spoke up from behind him, as Jasper tried his best not to wince. No one, no one, was allowed to call him cowboy. It was like calling another girl darlin'... it hurt his dead chest.

"I'd prefer it if you didn't call me that," he muttered, as the girl sat down next to him, a bit closer than necessary. Jasper felt the urge to put the books in his bag and leave the library, but he couldn't. It was his study-time, for the exams. Like he needed studying.

"And I'd prefer it if you were to go on a date with me," Jessica retorted flirtatiously, and Jasper mentally gagged at the cheesy comment.

"You are delusional, Stanley," he told her, "I don't do dates." With those words, he rose from his place and moved from his formerly lonely table, to one with Bella and Edward on it. He'd rather go through the pain of sitting near Bella and not being able to drain her, than having to sit around a flirting teenager for the rest of the period. Not to mention Stanley's emotions, which were all over the place. Your own mistake, he said to himself inside his head, sighing out loud.

"You are taking this too hard on yourself," Edward slightly mentioned. Jasper glared at him.

"Of course," he answered, "it was your idea to leave Forks, which is the reason people now think I'm on the market again."

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