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the new family of the m

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the new family of the m.i.a detective


A MONTH AND A HALF PASSED, AND LILIAN BONDED ENORMOUSLY WITH WILLOW AND LOGAN. Especially with Logan. The vampire had been teaching Lilian the tricks on how to train her self-control around humans.

For example, they went clubbing every Saturday, so that they were surrounded by many humans at once -- Lilian learned keeping herself in check the hard way, which seemed the best way for her. Besides that, Logan helped her train her abilities and gave her fight classes. The young vampire had learned so much from only listening to her newfound friends and had become attached to all four of them. in such a short notice.

Vincenzo was the joking founder, who had the most wise advises. Yet, the blonde curly haired vampire was also very spirit-free. He never really got angry and was able to keep everyone's secrets. He was the family's core of trust and loyalty. 

Layla was sweet, caring, yet also the strict person in the family. She may have been the youngest, but she somehow was the leader. Lilian found her story very interesting, for it took a strong personality to go through the things she'd gone through alone...

"I was 21 when I was bitten by a vampire, whom I still don't know. I remember very little of my human life. I know that my name was Layla Wilde and that my family lived in Scotland during World War One. I was walking to my work at the post office when someone cornered me and bit me. I reckon the vampire thought I was dead already, for my transition took quite a while.

I wandered around Europe for years, feeding myself on the sick and the poor... which I still feel incredibly bad for. In 1947, I stumbled upon a certain blonde vampire called Vincenzo Martinez in Norway, who was accompanied by Logan and Willow already. Vince and I fell in love with each other quickly, and we've never been apart since.

When we decided to go into the fashion-world, Willow suggested for us to take another family name, for it could raise suspicions if someone looked up the name 'Martinez' and saw pictures of twenty years ago. We all agreed on the name Martini, because it didn't differ much from Martinez. And here we are now."

Then there was how passionate she was with the family business; Layla, Willow and Vincenzo had built an imperium in the fashion world. Logan was responsible for the media and the fact that there weren't too much pictures taken of their family. Their label existed of just a 'V' for Vincenzo. It appeared that Voilà was one of the most famous brands in the U.S.A.

Lilian had also learned the story of Willow and Logan... she cried during their story. Logan was just a boy when Vincenzo had lost control over his thirst – his only loss of control in about five centuries.

Willow hadn't a sad story, per se, but it was more the fact that multiple occasions ruined Willow's family, which meant it ruined Jasper's too... Lilian could clearly remember what Logan had told her, when she couldn't sleep one night:

"Let's just keep it clear, I was a pain in the ass when I was a human – I still am sometimes. I was a poor 23-year-old that lived on the streets without any family in Ireland during the 17thcentury. I messed with the wrong people, who decided that they had to teach me a lesson. I most likely broke several bones in my spine and didn't even register what was happening around me when I dragged myself to a corner. I felt some stinging in my neck and went through a burning hell.

Later, I woke up in a forest, immense hunger for blood and my first prey, a grizzly, was ripped and shredded apart. Nonetheless, Vince helped me with my control, and eventually, we even moved to the New World.

When we arrived in Texas, just after the Civil War, we stranded in a small town just outside Houston. It had suffered greatly from the War and there were so many wounded that sickness spread easily. As Vince was trying to fix-up some buildings with the other villagers, I lazily wandered around the town, not even trying to make my hands dirty.

During one of my night strolls, I passed a meadow, with an old, typical farm. I smelled the sickness and death from that house, and I could hear the endless cries of a woman, whom was soothed by two male voices, and a very weak voice of a girl, who told her mother that she'd be okay.

My heart broke for that girl, and I couldn't hold myself. I had to see who that voice belonged to, I had to know who that girl was. I knocked on the door, and an old woman opened, a strong boy standing behind her, as another old man sat next to the bed. For some reason, this old man knew what I was and what I could do. He begged me to save his daughter, he dragged me inside and showed me the girl.

I couldn't help it. I fell in love the first time I saw her face. Her father beseeched me that I'd save her. He had lost two sons in the war, and the most successful one never even saw the battlefield when he disappeared. He told me her date of birth and many other things that seemed insignificant back then. But he begged me to save her, to take good care of her.

Her family let me take her, and I vowed to them that I'd keep her safe. So, eventually, I bit her at mine and Vince's abode and held her hand as she changed. I fell further in love with her every second, and wooed her successfully, as if it wasn't obvious yet, she appeared to be my mate."

The fact that these amazing people suffered so much awoke compassion and respect in Lilian's very core. It helped her become quick friends with the younger souls of the family, as she slowly began to see Layla and Vincenzo as an aunt and uncle.

"Lilian! We're going out, now!" Logan said, as he stormed into the blonde's bedroom. Lilian herself, was currently reading a schoolbook, on the subject Spanish. She wasn't yet fluent in it, but she had a hunch she'd be soon enough. She had eternity, equalized to that, learning another language would be like... blinking.

"Logan the Loco, why are you disturbing my delighted solitude?" Lilian mocked, putting down her schoolbook and glaring at the vampire in front of her.

"Because Vince and Lay just decided to move from Spain to the U.S.A, and I need to say goodbye to my favorite places!" Logan exclaimed, and Lilian quirked an eyebrow.

"Where are we moving to?" she curiously asked, before moving towards her closet and taking out some party clothes. She saw a great dress and put it on her bed, picking up her schoolbook.

"We're moving to Forks," said Logan uncomfortably.

A gasp escaped her lips as the schoolbook fell to the ground.


And, there we go! Lilian Harper is returning to Forks, Ladies and Gentlemen. 

I hope you liked this (short) chapter, and I'll try to update as soon as possible.

love you guys, your nice comments make me feel better each moment. x

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