Chapter 17 (the end pt 1)

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"Oh, Sal..." I run my fingers through his overgrown hair. It's been two years, he's still in his coma. His dad decided to stop any extra care that's going in to keep him alive...

This is my last goodbye before he...before I don't get to see him anymore...

"My love...please...wake up and come back to me.." I felt hot tears run down my face, more chasing after. "Sally,'s me, Larry."

I placed my lips to Sal's knuckles as I held onto his hand tightly. "Please come back...I need you...I miss you. We all do.."

I could barely speak as I got choked up, but I kept going. "S-Sal...please...they're giving up on you...but you need to keep going...p-please wake u-u-" I took a shaky breath. "Please wake up.."

"Larry..?" I snapped my eyes up to Sal's face. It didn't come from him...idiot. I cranked my neck to look towards the door. I glared at the man. His chubby frame and his messy blue hair.

It's his fault Sal's going to die today...his fault. "There's still an hour left.." His voice was strained and meek. Oh, fucking whatever...he decided to do this. I don't want to hear his pity party.

I didn't respond and just leaned my cheek against Sal's hand. After about a minute I heard the door close with a small click.

Just to let y'all know, I cried as I wrote this.

Ash's POV a solemn day for us all...especially Larry. He's been stuck in there all morning. "I'm gonna go and get something to eat and a pair of clothes..." I mumbled and stood up walking by my crying friends.

Nothing will be the same without him.

—time skip—

I walked slowly past the small stores and alleyways, gripping the pink donut box in my hands. I walk quickly down the concrete sidewalk. The frustration bubbling in my throat, I can't take it anymore.

I push my way into a small alleyway. "GOD FUCK!!" I scream and throw the box at the wall. I slowly fall to my knees and start to cry, wheeze, sob.

"UGH!" I throw my fist at the brick wall, yelping in pain as I grip my hand tightly to my chest. "IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT"

"Ash?" I don't have to look up to know who's whiny ass voice that is. "What Aniston?" I sneer, poison practically dripping from my words.

"Let me

I scrunched my nose up in disgust at the strong smell of vodka. "Ugh.." I glared at her.

"How would you even help..?"

"Just trust me.."

I groan. She's our best bet if we ever want to see our blue muffin again. I stand up and cross my arms over my chest.

"Fine. And you better not waste my time.."

She nodded and her back straightened.

"Make it quick...We have 45 minutes..."



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