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Amulet Cavenaugh. That's me. No this wasn't a "Once upon a time there was a princess named Lolipop." story, this was my story. And it isn't a pleasant story. Let's start when I was born. April fourteenth, 1999. Yep, fourteen years old. I had two older brothers, complete imbeciles if you ask me. But to my father, they were scholars. Guess I should tell you about my family. There is my mother, Lucinda, she was the best mother anyone could ask for. She was beautiful, kind, and everyone loved her.

There was my father, Johnathan,. He wasn't the best father in the world - not to me at least. He always cherished my brothers, I don't know why. They were gross.

My middle brother, Samuel, he was two years older than me, and a complete jerk. And Jeremy, also a complete jerk. He was four years older than me. As you can tell - hopefully - for somehow we're all two years apart. That would make Samuel sixteen and Jeremy eighteen.

Yup, one happy family. But we weren't in the distant lands of what, Narnia? I wish. No, we're in L.A. My father was a CEO of this huge company, my mother was a model. So we were pretty rich. We lived in this giant mansion. But I don't care about that. While my brothers get suited up, getting ready for a meeting with my parents, I'm in my room with my headphones on, ignoring everyone and everything around me. That's because I'm not allowed to leave that house, have any friends, let anyone see me. And that's because I have special powers. Born with them. Love them. And my whole family - with the exception of my mother - hate them.

Shall we continue the story?

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